J Johne1646 Reputable Jul 24, 2015 2 0 4,510 Jul 24, 2015 #1 have a z97 gaming 7 motherboard, with a 980 ti, i ran gpu z and it shows @x8 1.1, then when i run the render test it shows @x8 3.0 i have it in the first (closest) slot to the CPU on the board... i cant think why it is showing it @ x8
have a z97 gaming 7 motherboard, with a 980 ti, i ran gpu z and it shows @x8 1.1, then when i run the render test it shows @x8 3.0 i have it in the first (closest) slot to the CPU on the board... i cant think why it is showing it @ x8
T Tyler Hammond Distinguished May 13, 2015 106 0 18,710 Jul 24, 2015 #2 Check your motherboard manual and make sure that they slots aren't in a weird configuration. And if you are in a x16 lane than change to another x16 lane. Upvote 0 Downvote
Check your motherboard manual and make sure that they slots aren't in a weird configuration. And if you are in a x16 lane than change to another x16 lane.