give me advice


Sep 17, 2013

hi.... this is my currently gaming rid

cpu: intel i5 4670k (stock clock)
Mobo: msi g41 pc mate
Gpu: sapphire 7850 2gb
Ram: corsair vengence 8gb (2x 4gb)
Psu: corsair 55ow
Hdd: WD green 1tb/Seagate baracuda blue 1tb
case: aerocool syclone ll (4 cooling Fans)
Led: viewsonic 22"

i just want to ask and also take advice to some pro here.
im a gamer and im planing to upgrade my led to bigger one like from my current 22" to 24 -26" led
should i also upgrade my current GPU 7850,
im confused of these coming 2014 games... should i go to 7870 or r9 270x? and i, what paticular PSU should i take and how many watts?
tnx guys hope someone can help me and give a good advice... tnx and gdblss :)
Get the new monitor first, end of story, your system is still almost as powerfl as the current consoles, and if you need more power later on, you can buy a newer gpu, as they are upgrading faster than monitors are.
Do you mean your monitor? If you do, unless your going to 1440p, I wouldn't really imagine you'd need to upgrade your 7850. Anyway, the 7870/270X are not much more powerful than a 7850 anyway.
If you want to upgrade your GPU, go with the R9 270x. You will not need to upgrade your PSU. Your current GPU is fine but if you want to be playing at very high settings then an upgrade is probably the best option.
The 7870 is a pointless upgrade over the 7850. With that power supply you could go up to a 270x or a gtx 760 without problem.

I will assum your psu is maybe a lower quality one from corsair that does not have over 40 amps on the 12v rail (needed for anything more powerful than a 760 or 270x

The 270X is a just a refreshed 7870 lol.
if your viewsonic is 1080p then stick with see a big difference you need to go with 27 '' and you need about 250$.. better spend it on a gpu. a 270x is an rebranded 7870 not that better from the one you already have. as for your psu no need to change it. can run even a Radeon R9-280X - 30A and a 550W psu minimum recommended.

The performance boost of a 760 over a 7850 just isn't worth it. If he's going to get value for money for an upgrade he'd really need to be looking at a GTX 770/280X or better.

Yeah they do recommend a minimum of 600w PSU for the 770 but everyone knows you don't really need that much. A 550W PSU would be fine.
Thankyou guys,....
but to finalized all...
are you all trying to mean that if i would just stick with my current 22" viewsonic led, its ok not to chnge my Sapphire 7850 2g wid corsair VS-550w?
its just like im afraid if i stick with my same gpu i might have problems in coming great games this 2014... im not always on ultra if only necsessary....