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Global Organizations, Companies Call On Governments To Stop Undermining Encryption

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probably the most uninformed thing i have seen on this forum in a long time.

it's the right wing conservatives that are pushing these agendas. they pushed through the patriot act post 9/11 and they just pushed through the digital version of it in the new budget here in the US. i don't think there are any liberal governments trying to pass this stuff through.

but hey feel free to play the blame game. it's what they want you to do, so you forget to actually vote out the people calling for this loss of freedom regularly. they are good at the smoke and mirror games to keep folks from seeing what is really going on and we just love to look right where they tell us to and not peak behind the curtain.....
The sad part is the government doesn't have a clue how encryption works, at least the people talking about it. I watched most of the republican debates, and being a former web programmer, I just laughed at what they talked about. They were talking about "breaking encryption". That's not how https works at all. On encryption, there is a public key and a private key. The public key encrypts, the private key (which only the server knows) is used to decrypt (there's a bit more to it than that, but keeping it simple...). It's a new encryption key in every single communication between a client and a server, there is not some secret code that the government can find out to break encryption. The government has no access to the private key of the server which makes it impossible for them to read encrypted data, unless they literally had access to every physical server.

Also, there's no possible way for a government to stop encryption. It all comes down to how the server and client communicate, which are out of the government's grasps. The people who own the server run it how they want, and the client's web browser, if it knows how to utilize encryption, can work with the server. The government doesn't know what they're talking about. It's just like Donald Trump who thinks he can "shut down parts of the Internet" - obviously has no idea how the Internet works, that the Internet is not run by a single company.

Even if the government passes laws banning encryption, it won't be enforced, and there will be no way to enforce it except blowing up the millions of servers in the U.S. Encryption can never be stopped, even by laws.
Isn't it interesting that most people don't want to be spied upon and that there isn't a single serious presidential candidate that is against spying? #Democracy
Well actually in UK they passed such a law for , i believe Fb or something used for chating/speaking between ppl. Even though companies are doing this , it is sad that there is not being done , like in the case of ACTA , by normal internet users . This law is even more outrageous than ACTA as it allows a lot of power to only a small group of individuals that have acces to everything they have. The goverments will have the same power as KGB , and o really doubt that there will be any oposition after one goverment is at power. For me this sounds like a masked totalitarism behind democracy in modern age.
Sorry guys...All of the political elite are involved. There is no one side or the other when it comes to Government. The only sides that exist now are The Government and the People they rule. You notice that both sides attacked the ranchers in Oregon. Who is for who...read all sides and you will find out. CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and Fox News are not the places to gain information. It is time to join forces and replace these elitist.

In the US we need a Real 3rd party. One of the people, by the people, for the people. Now where have I heard that before???
Stop with the small-minded red/blue arguments. It's every government everywhere. They're afraid of losing their new-found powers of spying on us every second of every day. It scares them.

It's still sad you can't vote for them to stop spying. There literally isn't an option to make them stop. It would probably mean arresting the current and the past president, congress and all of the branches that were in on it- illegally, obviously. This is not likely to happen, but still, I for one would be happy if they were to just stop- without arresting anybody. Just stop spying.

Of course full pardon and huge $ for personal trauma and unheard level of bravery for Snowdnen that raised the problem to the global level.

US may not be the only spy in the game, but they are the biggest and baddest, no doubt. They should be leading the way into the perfect Western society. Cameras everywhere and privacy destroyed belongs to totalitarian dictatorship and not to a free western democracy.
probably the most uninformed thing i have seen on this forum in a long time.

it's the right wing conservatives that are pushing these agendas. they pushed through the patriot act post 9/11 and they just pushed through the digital version of it in the new budget here in the US. i don't think there are any liberal governments trying to pass this stuff through.

but hey feel free to play the blame game. it's what they want you to do, so you forget to actually vote out the people calling for this loss of freedom regularly. they are good at the smoke and mirror games to keep folks from seeing what is really going on and we just love to look right where they tell us to and not peak behind the curtain.....

Exactly backward. Look at all of the history of man-made government systems, especially where any form of tyranny was involved. Every one of them was all about big government, control, sloppy spending, government over-reach, extremely irresponsible programs designed to manipulate, deceive and control the common people... Exactly what the democrats have been doing for a long time.

Of course, the so-called conservatives are playing right into it as well, but ALL of politics is corrupt. That includes ALL man-made governments and related bureaucratic systems.

However, there are some on the conservative side who want to reduce government over-reach and cut back the level of control of the government over the lives of the people. Unfortunately, there are too few of them and too many who just want to use the corrupt system as it is to make their selves rich at the expense of the people.

These are some of the reasons why the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written the way they were written. It should be the people controlling the government, not the other way around. But it has got turned around backward.

When you actually believe the leftist news media and the various dishonest politicians who lie to you and say they are trying to protect you or help you or something like that (like O'Bammy or H'Liar C. or many others), you are seriously deluding yourself and ignoring the obvious truths.

George Santayana and President Truman both remarked about how those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. Right now, this nation is on course to repeat the massive failures of the Soviet Union, the Nazis and many others. That business of believing every lie told you by the media and the politicians, especially the democrats, is playing right into the hands of those who would bring about that kind of disaster.

Fortunately, it is true that they will never be able to truly stop encryption. The technology is very far advanced and advancing more rapidly every day. The demoncrats who want to control everybody can pass whatever laws they want and it won't make any real difference except they might put a few more people behind bars for a short time. But the prisons are already beyond capacity, so where will they put people who break some pathetic law about encryption, especially when you might break such a ridiculous law just by checking your email?

That technology, especially encryption, is advancing way beyond the ability of governments to control is a good thing. That's a small part of what the Bill of Rights is about. It's about freedom from overly controlling government and the 2nd amendment is the natural back-stop for all the other freedoms outlined in the other amendments. The lack of something like the 2nd amendment is the reason why the various totalitarian regimes were so successful in their times. When the people lose control of their own government, they are asking for a disaster. That is one of the biggest lessons history bears... If you will read it and learn.

When you rely on the government to be your protection and provide your needs and whatever more you are making yourself a slave to the whims of those who want to manipulate and control you.

But when you treat others the way you would like to be treated (like be honest and fair and kind) and live free and simple, you can find there is much to be gained. There was someone named Jesus who taught such things. There were others who followed after Him who taught the same principles and many have found they truly work.
Compuhandy, could you please explain who you're considering voting for if any. You sound like the perfectly decent person, who happens to be against the democrats. I'd be very interested to hear your political opinions. Send me a private message if you don't feel like sharing publicly.
sadly you are wrong a bit there. the elected officials do not control anything. they are placed there by the people behind the scenes at each party and are controlled by those same people if they wish to be put back for multiple terms. it's the people that control the party that run this country and sadly no matter which party you are speaking about, not a single one of them has the people's needs at heart. the difference is simply what BS they spout out at election time in hopes of getting people to vote for them.

we are run by the special interest groups and those willing to pay for influence. "party" is nothing more than the specific nonsense they tell the people to pretend they care about said people. then they turn around and do the exact opposite which is exactly the same as what the other party ends up doing once they stop pretending their promises were true.
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