Globalstar modem driver help requested

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Dec 29, 2011
hello, I hope someone on this forum can help me. I bought a GSP 1600, activated it through globalstar, it works great for calling and text, my problem is getting it all configured to tether it to my laptop as a packet data modem. My laptop is WIN7. I have an accessory cord with a serial plug and a serial to USB adapter with the RDTI chipset and it and the driver should be compatible with WIN7. I have installed the driver for the usb adapter, and the COM port shows up on my computer devices screen as COM30. I went to the globalstar website and they have a packet data modem driver that i am trying to install but the wizard cannot seem to "find" my sat phone. The computer seems to be able to see the USB-to-serial adapter OK, but I have no way to check to make sure the accessory plug for the phone is working properly. I have all the user guides and they address OS installations up to WIN Vista but not for WIN 7. Does anyone know if WIN 7 will work with this phone as a packet modem? if so, any pointers on getting it all configured?
thanks, kyle

To use a globalstar phone as a modem, just install it as a "generic 9600 baud modem" on whetever comm port your usb to serial adapter shows up as (comm 30 in your case).

For win7, first plug in your USB to serial adapter. Then open control panel and go to phone and modem. Go to the modems tab and click add. On the next screen check the box that says "don't detect my modem; I will select it from a list" and click next. When the list of modems populates, under standard modem types, select "Standard 9600 bps Modem" and click next. On the next screen, select the comm port that your USB to Serial adapter is on (comm 30) and click next. Windows will install the modem and then you can click finish.

Next, plug in your phone, go outside...
To use a globalstar phone as a modem, just install it as a "generic 9600 baud modem" on whetever comm port your usb to serial adapter shows up as (comm 30 in your case).

For win7, first plug in your USB to serial adapter. Then open control panel and go to phone and modem. Go to the modems tab and click add. On the next screen check the box that says "don't detect my modem; I will select it from a list" and click next. When the list of modems populates, under standard modem types, select "Standard 9600 bps Modem" and click next. On the next screen, select the comm port that your USB to Serial adapter is on (comm 30) and click next. Windows will install the modem and then you can click finish.

Next, plug in your phone, go outside, and create a dial up connection that will connect to Globalstar's ISP. For this, go to network and sharing center and click "set up a dial-up connection" or just search dial up in control panel. When the "Create a Dial-Up Connection" window comes up, just enter #777 for the dial up phone number, leave the username and password both blank, and give the connection a name like "Globalstar"

If you have a satellite overhead when you dial the phone number, your GSP-1600's screen will say "connecting ppp data" and all should go well.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

1. This is true 9600 bps dial up, there is no way to make it faster, the satellite network was built in the 90's and it is what it is. The real world speed is actually 9.2kpbs. Internet surfing will be VERY slow. make sure that java, adobe, firefox, windows, antivirus, etc are not trying to update themselves when you connect or it will be useless to you.
2. You must use the same USB port on your computer each time that you connect your phone and usb to serial adapter. If you don't, your USB to serial adapter will show up as a different comm port and your connection will not work.

One last set of tricks for the supergeeks:
The gsp-1600 is a hayes compatible modem that supports a slew of standard AT commands in addition to a few unique ones.

at$qcstatus - Current status of the network. It will return the current registration status, signal strength, gateway id, and service provider.

at$qctod - Current date and time in utc

at&qcsmsp - prints any sms messages that are on the phone to the screen

One of my favorites: If you dial the number #56672225 (#LOOPBACK) you can place an airtime free test call to the ground station that will test your phones signal output, phone and speaker without charging you anything. If you speak into the phone, your own voice will get played back :)

thanks. i am not seeing the options in my control panel you describe. it allows me to set up a dial up connection but with only a few of the parameters you mention, but not allowing selecting a device or a com port as you describe. When I click on the network icon in the bottom right task bar it shows my new globalstar connection option but there is a big X and says it cannot be used because it see any modem. At the time the sat phone was connected to the computer and had satellite signal but the computer still cant see it. I am sure my USB to serial port is OK, since I can see it on the device manager, but how do i confirm I have a good connection with my phone? I may have a bum cable but have no idea how to confirm. any ideas what I am doing wrong?
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