M Mehdi Barzegar Reputable May 7, 2014 1 0 4,510 May 7, 2014 #1 go to this path bios->security->security boot control->Disabled then Boot->Launch PXE OpROM->Disabled then restart
go to this path bios->security->security boot control->Disabled then Boot->Launch PXE OpROM->Disabled then restart
Eduello Judicious Mar 2, 2014 9,074 0 32,960 May 7, 2014 #2 Did you mean to answer an already existing thread? Because this thread makes absolutely no sense if you didn't. Upvote 0 Downvote
Did you mean to answer an already existing thread? Because this thread makes absolutely no sense if you didn't.
kenrivers Illustrious Dec 29, 2010 6,684 6 37,015 May 7, 2014 #3 I agree with Eduello and have the same question regarding its purpose. Upvote 0 Downvote