Going out of my mind!


Oct 27, 2017
Hello! Total beginner here!
I got an issue,or a problem i just don`t know anymore! I recently switched from an MSI Z170A PC mate motherboard to a GIGABYTE Z270X-Ultra Gaming. And after the first boot and a fresh windows install,everything seem to work well. But the next day it all started to go down....First i can hear,and see the CPU fan slowing down and speeding back up! Not a lot it doesn`t fully stop or anything,but it`s noticeable. Then if i restart my pc the fan just stops,and it looks like it wants to start but it doesn't. Only when the cpu temp. hits 42 °C it spins up really loud,and then stops again! Repeating that over and over again. Only if i power it down and power it on again it starts spinning normaly. Also my GPU is acting strange,Just now while only browsing the processor load spiked to 83% And it`s really inconsistent...at times it just jumps. Is that normal? I just need to know is it the mobo? is it the CPU fan? Is it the GPU? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOKpt2M5xNY this is what it looks like after restart!
Here are my specs: Intel Core i7-6700
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Windows 10
Oh if it`s relevant i got my GPU on a raiser card...if that might affect anything!

Thanks in advanced any help to shine some light on this will be appreciated.

Probably yes, but the recommended PSU for a GTX 1080 TI is 600w.

What about this...
Alright, now, did you reinstall your OS and the pertaining motherboard chipset+drivers after you swapped the boards? It'd also be a good thing to see if your motherboard BIOS is up to date. Manually update your BIOS(within BIOS using a USB drive).

Might it be possible to pass on your full system's specs like so:
CPU: i7-6700(K/non-K?)
OS: Windows 10
Yes i did a fresh install of windows. I havent installed any motherboard drivers yet! I will try the bios update too.
Here are the full specs.
CPU: i7-6700 non K
Motherboard:GIGABYTE Z270X-Ultra Gaming
Ram:32 GB Kingston 2x 8gb + 16gb
GPU:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
PSU: G750H 750W Gigabyte
Chassis:HAve no idea!
OS: Windows 10
Apparently I have a F7 bios version installed,which on the gigabyte support page is shown as the latest.
Also i looked around for other updates...don`t really know what to update. i just installed the intel Management Engine Interface. And no change.

Several things i noticed with this build, just not sure they are the direct cause of your issue though.

1. You are mixing different ram. Stick to using the 2x8 GB kit. If you need 32 GB then sell what you have and buy a 2x16 GB kit.
2. Your PSU is not a good unit, more of a crap unit. I wouldn't trust my $800 GPU with such a PSU. Get a better one.
3. Why are you using a riser card for GPU?

I thought that was acceptable...as long it`s the same brand of RAM. Well shows even further how clueless i am.

Crap PSU? damn i thought it was a good one! I will look for a new one. What wattage should i look for?

Well i got it on a raiser card cuz i got the brilliant idea to mount my GPU vertically....and so i did! Is it bad to have it on a raiser card?
Just for fun how would u rate this "build" if it can even be called a build :)

Same brand of RAM, even the exact model can cause issues. They sell RAM kits for a reason, they are from same batch and are tested to work together. Again, not sure that is the cause of your issue, but at least try with the 2x8 GB kit only to see if it solves your problem.

The same goes for GPU. Just mount it normally without raiser card while you are problem solving just to rule out any issues caused by this.

A good high quality unit that doesn't cost a fortune.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($70.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $70.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-10-28 17:22 EDT-0400

Will try to run with just 16 gigs. And with the Gpu mounted normally. Will let u know the results,as for the PSU that really isnt expensive. Will have to pick it up. Will it be powerful enough tho?
Just wondering if you know about any Cases that allow vertical GPU mounting by default? I had to sorta mod my current one.

It will be powerful enough unless you plan to go SLI.
Don't know of any case that will do that unfortunately. It will not be a standard ATX case for sure.

Nah SLI is out of my price range :) So i will try this tomorrow,and let you know how it goes. Thank you for all the tips,you gave me hope thanks,and have a good day/night!

So i removed the 16gb ram stick,and mounted my gpu normally...i guess i do notice some improvement,in performance. GPU is good now...so i guess raiser card is a bad idea :) But the CPU fan still remains,it still sounds as if it`s revving. And after restart it stops,but it does start on itself after a while! I guess i can try replacing the PSU,and then see what happens!

Yeah will get a new PSU for sure,but damn the one you linked...it will cost 44€ to ship to me lol
By reseting my bios you mean remove the battery? or something else?

Where in Europe do you live? You should not order that one from USA as you will need the 230V version and not the American 120V version.

Yeah thought about that,Found a 550W one on amazon would that also work? or should i look for a 650W one? I live in Slovenia.

Probably yes, but the recommended PSU for a GTX 1080 TI is 600w.

What about this

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (€92.52 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €92.52
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-10-29 21:33 CET+0100

Yeah that will do,Will have to wait for it i guess,but it at least ships to my country. Thanks for the links,and help.
Now to revisit the bios reset :) Just remove the battery?

Either that or shorting the reset jumper pins located on your motherboard. Either way they do the same thing. Just make sure to flip the power switch on the back of your PSU first.

One more question about PSU how would this one do? SEASONIC M12II-620 EVO 620W or this one EVGA 650 B3 80+Bronze Full Modular?

The Seasonic doesn't have OCP (Over Current Protection) and is thus not a safe unit. The EVGA B3 is a decent unit, depending what you will pay for it.

The EVGA is 80€ and it`s from a local store so i`ll get it faster.

Just get that then. It's a fine and safe unit.
Great i ordered it. Just one last thing,i`m guessing 16gigs of ram is more than enough for my needs right? So which RAM should i keep,The single 16 gigs or the 2x8gigs?

As for the fan i have yet to reset bios,but i`m getting a water cooler. For now the fan spins ok,will tinker with that when i get the new cooler!

I would just like to thank you for taking your time answering my questions!
Good to know! Thanks again,and if i`ll run into any obstacles While putting everything together...i will come back to this thread,and bother you some more!

Have a great day/night!