Good 1k gaming rig?

Hard to give suggestions after a purchase and the parts list no longer gives the prices since they've been bought already. However in terms of gaming, most games currently don't use more than 2-4 cores at most so more important than having 8 cores is having more performance per core. Which is why the intel chips like the i5 4690k are suggested. Yes it has half the cores but the extra cores on the fx are of little to no benefit (in gaming) and the intel's will outpace the fx in single core performance.
Hard to give suggestions after a purchase and the parts list no longer gives the prices since they've been bought already. However in terms of gaming, most games currently don't use more than 2-4 cores at most so more important than having 8 cores is having more performance per core. Which is why the intel chips like the i5 4690k are suggested. Yes it has half the cores but the extra cores on the fx are of little to no benefit (in gaming) and the intel's will outpace the fx in single core performance.

I would've chosen that, but it would've been over my budget(which it already went over) $1000

Planning on video editing and I will upgrade ram when I need to...that's why the 8 cores