Good $600 Mini-itx Build?


Feb 8, 2015
My birthday is coming up on Saturday (Febuary 28) and I am going to build a pc! I would like to know if this will run modern titles smoothly maxed out. I am talking about like GTAV, MKX, BF4/Hardline et cetera, obviously not Dying Light and I really have no intention to buy it. Anything helps, and anyways to help improve is appreciated and accepted!

Yes I do I am going to use a laptop HDD with Windows 7 on it to boot.

In all likelihood (99% certainty) that will not work for a few reasons.

1. Your laptop HDD does not have the right drivers on it to operate
2. Your laptop's Win7 license is probably OEM, which means it's bound to your laptop, meaning it's invalid for any other system. Thus, you will not even be able to use that license key on any other computer.

You need to purchase a separate retail copy of Windows.

Well thanks, fuck.