Linkin_1 :
RaDiKaL_ :
Actually the only unit you want to avoid in the Corsair lineup its their old CX series, their new CXM however has fixed several issues regarding durability so those are a good choice (though at that price range there are better offers from other companies).
Given you're from India it would be good if you post a link for a website from which you're going to buy, this way we can see which available model is best for your budget.
There are no good PSUs at 600w within your price range in those websites, the "best" you can get within your budget would be the Antec VP550w:
There's a cheaper one on but it shows all the psus they have as "out of stock" so dunno if that's accurate.
Post your full PC specs to see if this unit will be enough, I'd definitely advise you to save more money and get instead a Seasonic M12-II Evo 520w Bronze:
Or its 620 version, which of course is even more expensive, it will all depend on your current build.