Good Basic MOBO for FX-4300?


Jul 10, 2013
I am looking to build a small system for my father. I am looking to find a good standard MOBO for an FX-4300 processor. It won't be overclocked and the system will probably run 4GB RAM. The comp will be used for email, youtube, facebook, and pogo.

This is what I was thinking of using.

Money is very tight right now so I was going to reuse HDD, monitor, mouse, keyboard, CD drive.

The system being used right now has a celeron 440 processor and 1.5 GB DDR2 RAM.

There won't be mp3 players, ipods, and other things connected to the comp so front port USB 3.0 and other flashy stuff is not important. Also was planning on getting an extra 120mm fan to help cool the system. forgot to add it.

I figure the system I am wanting to build will seem light years ahead of what is being used right now, and should last for some time.

Well I haven't use such...
Nuh, FX-4300 just for email, youtube, facebook, pogo? Or it's your dad's request?

For me, Celeron 440 is in fact out of date, but since u r in tight budget I think u could use more efficient processor like new ivy bridge Celeron G1610 or Pentium G2020. By using 22nm technology, they have achieve great improvement, and the price is just half of FX-4300. Altogether, u can have a B75 Mobo and a 300w PSU are enough for your dad's usage.

By saving the money, I strongly recommend u to upgrade your memory to 8GB. More memory could keep your build up to date and fulfill your usage for a longer time. Here is what I was thinking of using.

Wish this would help.

I believe you mistakenly pasted the wrong link for the parts. You have to paste the permalink to show what parts you are talking about.

Would the cost of them and a decent mobo still show a significant price drop over the FX and mobo? As it is probably obvious, I am no computer guru. I can build a system, but I don't know as much about the technology. (If that makes sense) Will that pentium processor be good for sometime? I was under the impression that if I were to get an intel processor it should be at least i3. That is why I chose the fx-4300.

Sorry I didn't mean to offense.

Several months ago I have built mine. I am a gamer and I play large demanding games like Crysis 3 and Max Payne 3, at that time I have chosen FX-6300.

That's why I was a little bit surprise when I saw u choose a FX- processor 'cause such a processor is designed for game and overclocking, and I don't know if u didn't mention whether u have a discrete graphic card (out of date or not I don't care). As u chose the FX-4300 u should know it doesn't have a IGP (Intergrated GPU) so u have to get one to output the signal. Just now u mentioned i3, it might solve this problem 'cause it has an IGP (HD 2500/4000)

I know maybe your dad want it runs faster enough. So if you want to choose it, choose it. For stability I don't think 760G chipset mobo is a good idea because it was designed for old Athlon/Phenom CPU and couldn't support new CPU as the advertisement claims (though it intergrated a weak Radeon HD 3000 IGP). U could find bad reviews on newegg if u look into it. I were in a dilemma at that time I were choosing a mobo 'cause I had a tight budget too. I chose MSI 970A-G46 instead and thank god it runs smooth and I can even OC my FX-6300 to 4Ghz. Maybe u could consider that, or try to find out if any 970/990fx chipset mobo is cheaper than this one.

I guess u worried that so much that u posted early in the morning. Again, if this couldn't satisfy u I owe u an apology in advance. I don't mean to start a war.

He does not have a preference. I am just trying to do this as a gift for him.

It seems that you have misunderstood me. I was not offended. The link you posted though does not show the parts you were talking about. It looks like you posted the web address instead of the permalink. (The link that shows the parts you added)

I have no problem at all with your suggestions. As I have said, I do not know a lot about what would be best. I was only saying that I thought the pentium processors were outdated. I have no problem at all with saving $30 on a processor, if it something that will work good for awhile.

I was just scared that if I got a pentium processor, in a few months I would have to replace it again.

Well I haven't use such link before. I purchased my parts solely on, that's maybe why didn't show the right thing.

Pentium and celeron processors are much more powerful than their prodecessor. The first time i saw your thread i thought this maybe is for basic use instead of for large-demanding games, so it jumped in my mind that an entry-level processor is nice for such need. Even a Celeron 1007U laptop processor outperformed an AMD Llano A6 quad-core laptop processor, u could image how powerful enough a desktop one could be. AMD processor is famous for its high clock frequency and multiple cores, but suffered from lower sufficiency and FX-4300 is even outperformed by a i3-3xxx processor in benchmarking.

Except for playing games I don't think a FX- processor is a good idea, and as u mentioned the heat is also a problem. Plus choosing a mobo for it isn't easy enough and I also mentioned the graphic card problem.

I assured u that a 3rd gen Celeron or a Pentium processor can last for quite long. From Youtube u could even see the outstanding performance if u type "Pentium/Celeron Game" to search the results. I sincerely hope anyone who is building could choose the right part and make every dollar counts. I've prepared my build for a month to choose the right parts. Wish u good luck in building.
Thank you very much.

I was thinking that the pentium processor was on the same level as the celeron (775 socket i believe) that is being used now. I see now that it uses the same 1155 socket same as the 3rd gen i3, i5, and i7.