Good Budget PC Build?


Oct 18, 2015
Put together this budget PC build, wondering what your thoughts on it would be. Also need to update BIOS on the mobo, unless anyone can suggest a good mobo which doesn't need this. I mostly play CSGO or BF3, will this build handle these games fine with good FPS (I'm not bothered about playing at Ultra/High settings)?

Also any suggestions/improvements to the build would be great!
Yeah it's a good build. You might wana upgrade the PSU because in future, if you get any new parts, you won't have wattage problems. I'm also thinking that an SSD for your games or your local drive would be good.
Yeah it's a good build. You might wana upgrade the PSU because in future, if you get any new parts, you won't have wattage problems. I'm also thinking that an SSD for your games or your local drive would be good.

What size SSD do you suggest? 120GB?
Also PSU?
My PSU was a cheap 500W one, but I upgraded my graphics and CPU, so I spent $80 upgrading my PSU, which was a shame. I have two SSD's, one for my OS and one for my games. I also have a 1tb WD blue, but that might be out of your price range because it is a budget build.

Also is the PCI-E all I need to connect to the internet?