Good Build for my needs

Son David

Jun 6, 2014
I found some builds online at
newegg deal
First build
Second build

This will be my first time making a PC so I would like to start off with a good basic build for my needs.

I already have a laptop but the specs are not good. This laptop was given to me from my school so I can't download much on here.

The specs for the Dell Inspiron 15 3000 series are:
Intel Celeron Processor with integrated hd graphics
4gb of ram and 500gb hdd
No optical drive 🙁
It suppose to come with windows 8.1, but it was downgraded to Windows 7.

I want to make video games(programming and game design), play video games(oldest to the newest), I would like to make videos and watch movies, surfing the web.
All of the software I use so far:
Adobe (CS6 Student and Teacher Edition)
Blender 3d
Unity 3d
Unreal Game Engine
Code blocks (it won't work on this laptop)
Microsoft Visual Studio( will not work also)
Magix Music Maker Premium Edition

My school gives me free software like Windows 8 and 7. I was thinking I could put some of my software on my laptop and some on my desktop. Any advice or suggestions would be helpful? I also apologize for the grammar. If there's any misunderstandings, I will clarify.
Yes the 280x is and R9 ... if you are on a tight budget you could get the R9-270x and overclock (you'd get R9-280 (no X)) if you could afford R9-280x it'd be much better, as for a CPU you could for AMD if you Maya works better with multi-core processor (Idk if it is although I'm using it xD), AMD FX 8350 may/may not give you a nice multi-core edge over the I7-3770 (i think) but for overall performance the i7 3770 is faster and better but the AMD is always nice to budget, and you could also overclock the amd one.
As for the builds I'd go with the I7-3770 one and change the GPU to r9-270x or R9-280(x) if you could, the MSI gaming one is awesome, nice...
The R7 260X is basically a Rebadged 7770 with a bit higher clock speed. I would go for the 3rd build only because that 3rd generation intel core that would be powerful for your needs. If you are doing 3d Modeling I would suggest atleast 16GB of RAM and also I would recommend a card higher than the 7770(r7 260x) to get smoother performance on your 3D modeling. Something like a 280x since it will help you most in those programs.
Yes the 280x is and R9 ... if you are on a tight budget you could get the R9-270x and overclock (you'd get R9-280 (no X)) if you could afford R9-280x it'd be much better, as for a CPU you could for AMD if you Maya works better with multi-core processor (Idk if it is although I'm using it xD), AMD FX 8350 may/may not give you a nice multi-core edge over the I7-3770 (i think) but for overall performance the i7 3770 is faster and better but the AMD is always nice to budget, and you could also overclock the amd one.
As for the builds I'd go with the I7-3770 one and change the GPU to r9-270x or R9-280(x) if you could, the MSI gaming one is awesome, nice cooling low budget and from gaming experience you could max most games on 1080P.
it's about 15$ more i think.
goodluck mate and post what build you'll get as I'm building a PC for the same purposes too 😀 .

Thanks I'm getting this the one with the I7-3770 but I going to change the graphics card like you guys said.

Just a question, why are you going for a 3RD gen Intel core when you can just get a 1150 and get a 4th gen intel core? The newer processors will handle your tasks better than the 3rd gen.

Now as for GPU, I would recommend the Gigabyte Windforce R9's as they are a tad faster than MSI's cards.

Doesn't really matter? Will they both be sufficient for my needs? Those 4th Gen intel cores are a bit too pricey but I'm still deciding.

Beats me. I just want a good processor. To be honest, I didn't know if it was 3rd or 4th but I do know that it is a I7. lol

The I7 4770 paired with a great Z87 board will do you wonders

or a I7 4790 pairded with a Z97 Board will do a little bit more wonders 😛

I recommend getting either-or for the best results!