Good case for 1080ti?


Jul 16, 2016
Hey I need help picking out a good case for 1080ti gpu. I know It is a huge card but I would prefer a smaller case (that still fits it) that has see through side panels and leds.

Please could anyone recommend me one? Also I am looking around for a good gaming desk but I have no idea what is quality these days if anyone is able to help with that.

Thank you as always
Sorry I don't know much about cases I have a z170-a mobo and some generic $100 psu. As well as an ssd and hard drive so I will probably need a bit of room.

I haven't physically bought the 1080ti yet because the price was dropping but I'll be getting a normal sized model which I heard was like almost 1 ft long.

My budget for case is preferably $100 or less