Hello! I have a friend that's selling me a couple 1070 tis for $290 each, i know my current motherboard can't support it but wanted to know a good Z370 board that can.
I play on a 1440p monitor so i know a 1070 ti is pretty good for that, the second 1070 ti is just for games that support SLI for the extra boost.
Processor is an I7 8700K
I found this one but wasn't sure if it was good or not: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813145043
Any help is much appreciated!!
I play on a 1440p monitor so i know a 1070 ti is pretty good for that, the second 1070 ti is just for games that support SLI for the extra boost.
Processor is an I7 8700K
I found this one but wasn't sure if it was good or not: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813145043
Any help is much appreciated!!