Good Computer Monitor

Daniel Youssef

May 24, 2013
So Recently I've had money and wanted to buy a really good screen with colors around 20-21 Inch screen would be fine, Not too expansive I can pay maximum 95$ , also I'm having L1750 HP monitor is that good? because its a square Monitor and I think its way old

Hello Daniel Youssef,

I understand your max budget. But I suggest you extend your budget by $4.89 and get this quality 21.5 Inch Full HD Monitor from Acer:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Monitor: Acer G226HQLBbd 60Hz 21.5" Monitor ($99.89 @ Amazon)
Total: $99.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-08-04 00:46 EDT-0400

No point in wasting your money on 19 or 20 Inch monitors which costs around $90-$95, the aren't Full HD.


I've suggested after considering all factors at this price point. This one is a steal deal and is good for gaming.

BenQ makes pretty good monitors. But they cost in upwards of $115. Nevertheless, for your budget this Acer model is more than what you ask for.

ye well another 5$ would be okay but uhm is it good for gaming? what about Asus, I hear lots of good things about Asus

btw @yeskay uhm its not that much available in my country is there any other popular choices of Acer or Samsung or LG?