Good Deal or Bad Deal?

What if I could get him down to say $450? and just raid the hdd and ssd in raid0?

new psu being about ~80$ for something actually rated 80, and gpu around 250$?
I would obviously get another 60gb ssd and 240 hdd and just have 4 drives, both sets in raid0

But yea I am seeing that the parts were all really budget and have bad reviews..not the best gear as you guys say..

basically the cpu + case + mobo + ram would be the only things worth much, and thats only if he hasn't messed them up overclocking or something..):
Yeah you would have to check the system to make sure it works fine so thats a risk. You would have no warranty on anything. I would just do some research and look at tigerdirect and newegg everyday if you can get all the stuff you want through their deals might take longer that way but you could save some money.

Just get a larger ssd rather than raid 0 two. Its not really gonna give you a performance benefit to raid those. I would just get one larger hdd as well for extra storage.