Good gaming motherboards

I'm not familiar with oc? I do know what sli and cf are but thank you


That is true, he just asked for a gaming motherboard specifically though, and instead of telling people what they don't want, i'll tell them what they asked. 🙂

What kind of motherboard would you recommend then? I'm not looking to do any over locking but definitely want to be able to upgrade.
I guess you could get that, because it is really cheap. But doesn't Asrock get a lot of failures and a lot of complaints? At least thats what I've heard. I would pick from the big 3 Asus (which i guess isn't as good), Gigabyte which is really good, and MSI. All three have GREAT support and awesome software like their own BIOS.
MSI had a lot of VRM issues on some of their boards.

Gigabyte was best, followed by Asus, ASRock, and MSI.

I'm sure I remember a number in the 2% range for ASUS. Might have been elsewhere.

With those small percentages, you need a huge amount of data to get meaningful results. Even mild bias can have a big impact.