Good gaming pc?

You know, that rig is $800. When I got my first gaming PC a little over a year and a half ago, I went to Craigslist first. I managed to get an amazing rig for $500 and it included a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. I recommend searching locally first, and if you can't find anything, then I would recommend you order parts and build it, or have someone else build it for you. It is a lot cheaper than buying a PC from somewhere like iBUYPOWER or Alienware.
AMD and Intel have different chipsets, so the motherboard would be completely different, plus it looks like the inside of a laptop, like it would be difficult to replace and swap parts.

you can build a decent desktop for $800 to be honest, just have a little look around, watch some youtube videos such as linustechtips or teksyndicate.
hope i've helped!
You know, that rig is $800. When I got my first gaming PC a little over a year and a half ago, I went to Craigslist first. I managed to get an amazing rig for $500 and it included a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. I recommend searching locally first, and if you can't find anything, then I would recommend you order parts and build it, or have someone else build it for you. It is a lot cheaper than buying a PC from somewhere like iBUYPOWER or Alienware.

Exactly! i'm building my first home built computer soon, and im managing it on £350 (roughly $530)