Good gpu but small improvement


Oct 28, 2015
I recently bought a new GPU-asus geforce gtx 750ti and when i play games such as bf4, bf3 borderlands 2 i only get a small improvement, i should be getting alot alot more fps like it shows on youtube videos, the people that uploaded the videos had similar CPU's to my one but they have a lot more fps.

I really dont what is causing the problem 🙁

My specs -
AMD athlon x4 750k CPU
asus geforce gtx 750 ti GPU
8gb ram

I used DDU in case my old GPU- AMD hd 7750 was causing problems but that wasn't the one that was causing problems. If you know any solutions please reply

I get 30-40 fps on 1600x900 medium settings on bf4 while others get 1600x900 ultra 60fps+.
On bf3 i get 50 fps on high settings 1600x900 while others get 60fps+ ultra 1080
Monitor 60hz
maybe coming down the processing power if the games require a lot of cpu over the card so with that chip it may not matter what more powerful; card you use over the 7750 cause there all ways got to wait on the cpu to catch up ??

its not like your running a top i5 or for what there worth these days a amd fx chip??

and you should give your full system specs you could be just running one 2gb stick of 1333 ram for all we know

all this stuff needs to work kinda hand in hand and on some kinda equal terms [balanced] just slapping a powerful card in don't mean the rest will keep up with it [opinion]
Here is a guy that does honest reviews on youtube.

From what I see on that video, Your set-up is working as intended. The 750ti sees dips as low as 23 fps on ultra settings while playing BF4 with no AA.

At 1600x900 on medium settings, do you have Anti Aliasing on? What is your CPU clocked at? What is your GPU overclocking to while you play? And what kind of PSU do you have?
I have anti aliasing on. I have a chinese 500w psu, my gpu requires 6 pin.
I use a molex 4x2 cable for the 6pin but my psu only has one 4 pin connector so i only connected one 4 pin to it.

First, don't look at YouTube for performance info. Too many videos people post are fake or they lie about what settings they use or any number of other issues with them.

Look up actual reviews and benchmarks of that games you are looking at for your video card and CPU range. Like this,3750-9.html

No-one should be getting over 60 frames in BF4 with a 750 Ti at your resolution at Ultra, especially with an Athlon X4.