APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: Near Future (ie. next few months.)
BUDGET RANGE: Around $200, at most $300.
USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Playing games such as Team Fortress 2, War of the Roses, Tribes Ascend, Don't Starve, minecraft (custom shaders and texture packs) at high settings, around 60 fps, idealy screen recording some of the mentioned games. Probably newer games at highish settings, good fps. Also 3d animation previewing and watching.
CURRENT GPU AND POWER SUPPLY: Gigabyte 550 ti, XFX 850W XXX Edition
OTHER RELEVANT SYSTEM SPECS: AMD FX8150, ASUS A99X evo2.0, Corsair Vengeance 2x8 GB
PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: (but it really doesn't matter too much as long as it's in Australia)
PARTS PREFERENCES: I don't give more or less damn about the brand, as long as it's good quality, it works, it works well, and has good cooling.
SLI OR CROSSFIRE: Maybe later when I have more money.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: I've been considering the Radeon HD 7950 Boost or Radeon HD 7870 LE, I'm kind of scared that the 7950 is going to be bottlenecked by the FX8150...
I have heard of some rumors of new GPUs being released soon which I wouldn't mind waiting for if it's in my price and performance range...but I don't know much about it. As I mentioned above I would like the GPU to have good cooling, although once I have enough money I am interested in the idea of water cooling it.
BUDGET RANGE: Around $200, at most $300.
USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Playing games such as Team Fortress 2, War of the Roses, Tribes Ascend, Don't Starve, minecraft (custom shaders and texture packs) at high settings, around 60 fps, idealy screen recording some of the mentioned games. Probably newer games at highish settings, good fps. Also 3d animation previewing and watching.
CURRENT GPU AND POWER SUPPLY: Gigabyte 550 ti, XFX 850W XXX Edition
OTHER RELEVANT SYSTEM SPECS: AMD FX8150, ASUS A99X evo2.0, Corsair Vengeance 2x8 GB
PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: (but it really doesn't matter too much as long as it's in Australia)
PARTS PREFERENCES: I don't give more or less damn about the brand, as long as it's good quality, it works, it works well, and has good cooling.
SLI OR CROSSFIRE: Maybe later when I have more money.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: I've been considering the Radeon HD 7950 Boost or Radeon HD 7870 LE, I'm kind of scared that the 7950 is going to be bottlenecked by the FX8150...
I have heard of some rumors of new GPUs being released soon which I wouldn't mind waiting for if it's in my price and performance range...but I don't know much about it. As I mentioned above I would like the GPU to have good cooling, although once I have enough money I am interested in the idea of water cooling it.