Good Headphones For Counter Strike: Global Offensive?

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Oct 6, 2013
I'll get right to the point, my budget is around $100, I would like a good pair of headphones that can allow me to hear well in CS:GO and be able to tell where the grenades are being thrown and where they are basically. I say headphones because I know gaming headsets are really just a marketing trap to get you to pay a premium for the gaming brand even if they are no improvement at all at a much higher cost, and sometimes worse sound quality. I already have a nice $40 microphone that gets the job done easily, I will never need anything more. Thanks for your time and I hope you guys can suggest a good pair :)
if you want an advantage in those games the ad500x or ad700x are good choices. huge soundstage, good positional audio and clear sound. however, they do not have much low end bass (which is why you can hear footsteps better for an advantage) which makes them a little more analytical to listen to over fun sounding.

the hd518 or hd558 have a wide soundstage with good positional audio (slightly worse than above) but are more neutral with a little more impact in the bass department (they lose out a little on the footstep advantage).
if you want an advantage in those games the ad500x or ad700x are good choices. huge soundstage, good positional audio and clear sound. however, they do not have much low end bass (which is why you can hear footsteps better for an advantage) which makes them a little more analytical to listen to over fun sounding.

the hd518 or hd558 have a wide soundstage with good positional audio (slightly worse than above) but are more neutral with a little more impact in the bass department (they lose out a little on the footstep advantage).
the m50x has more bass and isolates you from noise however has an incredibly small soundstage which makes it not so good for gaming. i personally own an m50 (precursor to the m50x) and while i do like how it sounds the soundstage is pretty bad (everything sounds very close, which i dont mind for music). i have used them for gaming and they were fine but some nice open cans with wider soundstage are much more suggested.

if you had the money and were thinking m50 (for bass and sound isolation) i'd spend a bit more and get the dt770 instead as they will have better sound quality and a fairly decent soundstage (for closed cans, open cans still have more). if you dont have high end onboard audio you might want to drive them with the xonar dg though since they are a little hungry.

Thank you very much, I will get the ad700x and see how they are. Thanks again!
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