Good Internet, bad Ping in Games


Jan 18, 2016
Since I started gaming, I basically always just played the following four games (in case it might help you giving me help): Mount & Blade, Rocket League, Garrys Mod and RUSE, besides that I also played Total War Games.
Since I started playing like three years ago, I always also played online besides the campaign modes. And all these years all these games were running perfectly. Since our old router has become kinda slow recently (all games were still going good, sometimes lagged a little bit), we decided to get a faster one (according to the company it's 4 times as fast as our old one). And indeed, it is much faster. Now I can watch youtube videos on highest quality (which I couldn't do before). Also online speedtests/pingtests with my new router showed me pretty good results (ping of around 25 ms, download speed of around 35-40mb/s and upload speed of 10mb/s.)
But since we got the new router, all of my games started to have connection issues. As I said, they ran perfectly before. I will now list the different issues: Mount & Blade is running pretty good - but it tells me on every server that my ping is 0 which i know isn't the case (I minor lags, nothing serious though, just strange since it's not possible to have a ping of 0). This is the smallest problem. Another problem I have is regarding RUSE. When I join lobbys with my friends, my ping is always horrible. As soon as the game starts it is a kind of a lottery. Sometimes works brilliant, sometimes I lose the connection instantly and sometimes I happen to lagg out like 10 min into the game. What is also strange here is that my ping is always said to be 9999ms. No matter if I have laggs or none at all.
Another problem arose with Rocket League: There, out of around 20-30 tries, I only managed to connect to 2 servers. In all other cases, a warning popped up saying: Connection to Game failed.
Something similar happens with Garrys mod: As soon as I want to join a server and the game starts downloading a new map, the download stops after like 2-3 secs.
I also called my routers company and they suggested me to do port forwarding which i tried; it didn't help at all. Therefore I'd be glad if you could try to help me! For any suggestions I'd be really grateful!
As I said, these issues weren't any problem with my old router 2 weeks ago.

Thanks in advance!!
This honestly sounds like a modem problem, but there's an easy way to test. Unplug your router and plug the modem directly into your computer and try the same actions. If it does the same thing, the modem needs to be replaced by your internet service provider. If it does not do the same thing, it sounds like you may need some additional configs to be done on the router. For starters, enabling the DMZ option, this is done specifically for gaming. It allows various ports to be used for games and their services.
This honestly sounds like a modem problem, but there's an easy way to test. Unplug your router and plug the modem directly into your computer and try the same actions. If it does the same thing, the modem needs to be replaced by your internet service provider. If it does not do the same thing, it sounds like you may need some additional configs to be done on the router. For starters, enabling the DMZ option, this is done specifically for gaming. It allows various ports to be used for games and their services.