S Sir Milo Gaming Reputable Aug 1, 2014 50 0 4,630 Aug 17, 2014 #1 What are some good keyboards that have the extra ten keys and have blue led's
S Sir Milo Gaming Reputable Aug 1, 2014 50 0 4,630 Aug 17, 2014 #3 i7Baby : Budget? no more than 200 i would prefer less than 175 or 150 Upvote 0 Downvote
I i7Baby Titan BANNED Jul 25, 2012 44,080 2 106,960 Aug 17, 2014 #4 The you can get most anything eg Ducky Shine $140 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Description=Ducky%20Shine%203%20DK9008&Submit=ENE Upvote 0 Downvote
The you can get most anything eg Ducky Shine $140 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Description=Ducky%20Shine%203%20DK9008&Submit=ENE
B Baconhashtags Reputable Apr 25, 2014 128 0 4,710 Aug 17, 2014 #5 http://www.corsair.com/en/mx-rgb i guess you've seen this recently then but there is some cheap ones on amazon Upvote 0 Downvote
http://www.corsair.com/en/mx-rgb i guess you've seen this recently then but there is some cheap ones on amazon