[SOLVED] Good Mobo for i9 + 32Gb


Sep 13, 2018
Hey All. I am looking to build my new system. I would like to go for an i9 with (to begin with 2x16Gb of RAM (later going to 64Gb) I am unsure of what is the best Mobo for that, prices seem to vary quite a lot In the Gigabyte Z390 range prices go from 150 - 3/400. I already have a Gigabyte 1080ti so I don't know if that effects the decision.

I want to get the best out of the processor and ram but don't need flashy LED-type extras, I will maybe OC a little, but don't plan to invest in the cooling necessary for any extreme overclocking. Any recommendations would be great as I am a little lost with all that's out there atm.




The only things that might affect your decision would be the color scheme as well as your budget. How much are you looking to spend on the board, ram and processor? In fact are you only needing the three aforementioned parts? We could help source parts for your system, provided we knew your usage scenario, the budget and the preferred site for purchase as well as your location...?

Well, tbh I am not too bothered about aesthetics. My current situation is this. I have a 6 year old PC running off a Corsair 850W PSU in an Antec 900 case. I don't really know about the case and PSU, I could use the ones I have although maybe investing in a new PSU could be wise.

I don't have an exact budget for this, usually I try to get the best available without spending silly money on the real enthusiasts stuff.. so that's why I would like to get the i9 but am not planning on getting a 7980XE!! I have a 1080ti rather than the RTX which is 2x the price. For the RAM it looks like 32Gb @ around 3000Mhz is going to be in the €300 price range and the i9 is about 600. If I can get a mobo which won't limit the other components for 200 then that would be great, but if paying an extra 100 will make big difference then I am prepared to do it.

I don't want to cut corners on the PC, but everything I can save I can put into a screen. Usage... Gaming, 3D, design work, video editing etc. Some pretty demanding software. Ideally I would like 64Gb RAM but in all honesty doubling up the cost of that is a little excessive atm, so I am going to stick with 32 for now. I don't have especially and preferred sellers, reliable, trustworthy and price. Newegg, Amazon, I don't really care and maybe even reputable Ebay sellers (depending...)

You wouldn't recommend Gigabyte? I wouldn't say I must have gigabyte if something much better exists for lower, but I have always found their components reliable, and as I already have a gigabyte GPU, getting a GB mobo seemed to make sense.

The only thing which seems to change in the comparisons is the number of SATA ports, and whilst 8 would be nice, I hardly think is essential. Looks like if I put aside around €200 I should be able to get something good enough.




Yeah okay, so they're all pretty similar. Gigabyte bios can be a little clunky but hardly critical default. I prolly won't do much tweaking, depending on temps may push small OC.

Thanks man.