good monitor for reading?


Jul 12, 2014
i spend a lot of time a day writing and reading codes. my notebook and gaming monitor hurt my eyes after a few hours of working.
so what specs should a monitor have to be good for this and easy on eyes? (for reading i like ipads monitors very much but can't program on it)
give some examples also if possible. i'd like to be under 300 but if something much better is in higher price i'm willing to spend more.
i walked in store yesterday and some screens 1080 ips looked pretty pixalated when showing small content

you need high ppi to deal with that issue, so you better get an 24'' 1200p monitor or a 27'' 1440p

IPS 16:10 1200p 24''
Price breakdown by merchant:
Monitor: Asus VS24AH-P 24.0" Monitor ($206.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $206.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-10 19:09 EST-0500

IPS 16:9 1440p 27''
Price breakdown by merchant:
Monitor: Acer K272HULbmiidp 60Hz 27.0" Monitor ($349.99 @ Micro Center)
with what monitors are you working with? a new one wont be nessesarily better.! for the clearest image possible you will need to use the native resolution and for the gaming monitor, you must be additionally using a digital input (dvi-d or hdmi)! try lowering the brightness! very high values will defenately be a pain to your eyes.! you can also change the white background to something else. are these 300 $ we are talking about? an IPS 1080p 22-24'' will do just fine!
for gaming i have 2 1024p monitors that are almost a decade old. while they still offer pretty good gaming experience and i like them more than some of my notebook monitors i'd still like better. (f.e. i bought lenovo g500 a while ago and hate its screen its really pixalated for me) l like my ipad screen a lot but can't code on it. i'm looking for similar experience on desktop (but i need windows based). i walked in store yesterday and some screens 1080 ips looked pretty pixalated when showing small content (they were mostly asus monitors). (also i know how to swich backgrounds and increase sizes oc but i'd prefer to tune what is pretty ncie monitor to start with)

so what specs am i looking for? would more than 1440p be better for eyes?which brands offer better quality at this moment ? (i haven't chosen a monitor in a long time so i need some suggestions)
also sin i work a lot at pi'm looking for most "eye friendly" monitor
i walked in store yesterday and some screens 1080 ips looked pretty pixalated when showing small content

you need high ppi to deal with that issue, so you better get an 24'' 1200p monitor or a 27'' 1440p

IPS 16:10 1200p 24''
Price breakdown by merchant:
Monitor: Asus VS24AH-P 24.0" Monitor ($206.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $206.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-10 19:09 EST-0500

IPS 16:9 1440p 27''
Price breakdown by merchant:
Monitor: Acer K272HULbmiidp 60Hz 27.0" Monitor ($349.99 @ Micro Center)
Total: $349.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-10 19:03 EST-0500
those ppi don't look really high though. they are around 110 right? what would i be looking for if i wanted something closer to 130-150 range? as i said price is not the main issue as far as performance is good.
Maybe, i am looking for near ipad screen experience without buying imac since i prefer windows :)
Also i prefer smaller screens (20-25)
I did consider 4ks but under 700dollar ones seem to have pretty bad reviews
Ideally i'd want 23 inch 1440p monitor but i haven't heard of such.
I'll prob go with nice 1200p 23 inch in the end.