Good motherboard/processor combo?


Jul 9, 2016
Hi I'm looking for a good motherboard processor combo, I'm really unsure what to look for, I have a gigabyte ga-ex58-ud5 and the i7-920 isn't gonna do much when I start to get into more CPU intensive games. I'm preferably looking for a combo that has a stronger i7 and one that's under $300 aud ( that's all I can get for my current mobo)
games are cpu limited if playing below 1080.
running higher res and/or game settings will make the gpu the bottleneck.

i wouldnt waste my money on a cpu until Ryzen reviews are out,
as the 8C will level with the 6900K at about half the price, so the other 6C/12T and 4C/8T units will be as fast as intel, but way cheaper.

invest some money in a new gpu might make more sense.
gtx1060 for up to 1080p, and low IQ settings to run 1440p
1070 for "maxed out" 1080/1440p and low IQ settings if UHD res
1080 if you got cash to waste ;-)
Your best bet is probably to just get a better cpu cooler ( unless you have a good one already ) and try to overclock the CPU if that really is an issue. But overall the i7 920 is still a really capable gaming CPU. The other option is trying to find a used higher end CPU for the socket. But that can be tricky business.

Upgrading to a 'modern' i7 you are probably looking at around 800-850 having to get CPU+Mobo+memory
Such as:
PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($457.00 @ Shopping Express)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212X 82.9 CFM CPU Cooler ($49.00 @ Scorptec)
Motherboard: Asus Z170-AR ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($209.00 @ Umart)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($128.00 @ Umart)
Total: $843.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-12-15 12:16 AEDT+1100


I have a gamaxx 300 CPU cooler, but I'm really scared of overclocking because I don't wanna fry everything

Actually, would it be wiser to just switch to a I7-990X or a 980

Basically any i7 960 or higher ( i7 970, i7 975, i7 980X, i7 990X )
would be an improvement. Some of those are 6 core / 12 thread cpus.

But it comes down to the money you have to spend and the availability of the upgrades.
Plus since you would most likely be looking at a used part, the condition of that part.
games are cpu limited if playing below 1080.
running higher res and/or game settings will make the gpu the bottleneck.

i wouldnt waste my money on a cpu until Ryzen reviews are out,
as the 8C will level with the 6900K at about half the price, so the other 6C/12T and 4C/8T units will be as fast as intel, but way cheaper.

invest some money in a new gpu might make more sense.
gtx1060 for up to 1080p, and low IQ settings to run 1440p
1070 for "maxed out" 1080/1440p and low IQ settings if UHD res
1080 if you got cash to waste ;-)