Good Motherboard to overclock Core 2 Quad q9550?

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Aug 9, 2014
Hey guys, I want to overclock my core 2 quad q9550. I just want to overclock to like 3.5 ghz and I know this is possible as this processor has been oc'd to 4.3 ghz before. I just want a mid-price range board that I can get off of ebay for about 40-60 bucks.

I also have 5 gigs ddr2 ram. Thanks for any help.
The problem is, a mid-range board probably won't allow a good (or safe) OC. Find one with a heat sink on the VRMs and all Japan solid capacitors. A high phase power like 6+2, 8+2 or better would be needed too. And good luck getting that high an OC with a locked multiplier CPU that starts out at 2.8GHz. 4.3GHz I'd have to see to believe.
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