Question Good ole scratched with a screwdriver.

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Jan 26, 2021
So I <<messed>> up. I scratched my MoBo, and I know the only way is to test, but I wanted to see if I got some popular predictions about what I might expect. I don’t see a way to post a pic but it’s an MSI Z490 Gaming Edge wifi. It’s to the right of the top M.2 slot. There’s a little black rectangle chip there and some lanes that run off it. It’s there. I kinda knicked the little chip then scratched across the top of the lanes. If there is a way to post a pic I will. I do want to edit and say I do not see any copper showing anywhere.
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That’s kinda what I figured. If I had to make an educated guess, though I am a beginner. Then my worst case scenario is the top M.2 slot is toast. That’s does suck but I got two so whatever it is what it is. If things do seem to be fine do I need to take any precautions as far as covering the affected area? I’ve seen electrical tape and clear nail polish here and there while reading up on my current situation.
That’s kinda what I figured. If I had to make an educated guess, though I am a beginner. Then my worst case scenario is the top M.2 slot is toast. That’s does suck but I got two so whatever it is what it is. If things do seem to be fine do I need to take any precautions as far as covering the affected area? I’ve seen electrical tape and clear nail polish here and there while reading up on my current situation.
I think it should be fine, as long as you didn't remove anything off the motherboard it should still work. But loading up a picture would give a much better insight to the damage done. This way we can give a much better opinion on the manner.
There we go. So I finished what I needed to do despite not being able to focus lol. I put her back together and I booted into bios. All seemed fine other than bottom front Dan, and one of two fans on aio are not lit. They’re powered but not lit. Probably completely unrelated. About to recheck my wiring. But, suppose I continue on and do not run into any issues. Is there anything I should do to prevent future issues, spontaneous shorts, etc?
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