
Jul 14, 2017
Hey guys! so i just recently got myself a good pc that can easily run minecraft. It consists of a i5-4670k, gtx 770, 8gb ram, 1tb hardrive an this week probably will be getting a ssd.
My issue tho, is that i play 1.7.10 (because i pvp) and for some reason, im running around 300 fps on high settings (8 chunks, fancy, etc) and 2 things happend: Either im getting smooth 300 and literally out of no where i get a lag spike and drop back to around 100 fps, OR, im getting smooth 300 but it feels like im getting 10 fps, literally. I have no idea what to do, because obviously it isnt my pc, since im able to play gta 5, csgo, overwatch and rocket league in low/high settings like a charm. Meanwhile in minecraft, which is a easy game to run, this happends. I use windows 7, 64bit java, and yes, i have put 4gb dedicated ram to minecraft yet the issue persisits. I was so excited to play minecraft with this amazing pc but this happends. If you need anything else, feel free to ask me down below ill get back to you as soon as i see your reply. Thanks in advance.

P.S: Sorry for bad english, i typed this in my phone so yeah.
If you're running a gpu or cpu overclock, set it to stock and see if it still happens. If it does, I experienced a similar issue with games like Rainbow six, battlefield 4 and BF1. The issue was my single channel ram stick. Ram speeds don't matter as much as dual channel in some games. The end result for me with my old 3570k was hitching. It could also be a virus.
update: Sorry, I just seen that you use a single 4gb ram stick. Save up for the same stick of ram, you want the same stick so the speeds match and it runs in dual channel stable.
Hey, thanks for the answer, tho it really doesnt help me much. i have 8gb of ram which is plenty for minecraft, not 4gb ram like you said, Also, even tho my CPU is overclockable, i dont overclock it, since i dont have a watercooler and im not really experienced with this so id rather not overclock.
Guys... i think you dont understand my situation... there is NO bottleneck in my pc... if there was, i wouldnt be able to run gta 5, csgo, overwatch and rocket league mostly in high settings with out a problem. but on minecraft which is the less demanding game of this list im having issues? there is CLEARLY something wrong especifcally with minecraft but i just havent figured it out yet, thats why im talking to you guys, please help me