Right, I've done everything; Driver updates, virus scans reinstalling the os, and yet I cant seem to get over 20 fps in most games. No idea why. System specs right here: https://gyazo.com/b7a0ef3ec7f20f1eb8ffa9cd64136dc2
I'm willing to do many things to get this, just let me know what it is. Plus I'd love to know what could cause this. Thanks for the help.
Not to mention the fact that on my old build, which was inferior to my current build, was able to run these games perfectly and full 60 fps. So you could see why my anger is warranted.
I'm willing to do many things to get this, just let me know what it is. Plus I'd love to know what could cause this. Thanks for the help.
Not to mention the fact that on my old build, which was inferior to my current build, was able to run these games perfectly and full 60 fps. So you could see why my anger is warranted.