Good price for 670?

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Feb 28, 2013
Hello, Is this Evga gtx 670 a good price for 320$ before shipping?

Im looking for a graphics card but i dont have a whole lot to spend.

Sort of concerned that its the blower kind.
Would i be better off spending more on a different version?

I dont have to much money i set aside 430$ for myself but my original intention was to go with a 660ti and this 670 is priced closely, i game on 1600x900, but i want to buy a 1080p monitor next week.

I want to play Black Ops II, That elder scrolls online game thats coming out, i play league of legends a lot, i would like to play some new games if they come out
Out of the ones you listed for me I would go with the Gigabyte card if you want a strong factory overclock and cool temps. However, keep in mind that the Gigabyte OC PCB is a 680's PCB and is longer.

I would personally go for either the MSI card if your case was smaller case and I would go with the signature 2 if you wanted the backing of EVGA for support, warranty, and service, + you get kind of a hybrid of reference cooling and aftermarket cooling.

Also things to keep in mind that if noise is a factor for you that the gigabyte solution is quieter then the MSI solution and the EVGA solution.

2. Gigabyte
This is an OEM version, I rarely recommend OEM version but if you think you want to save for that then its fine, there are deals around the internet, newegg,ncix that offers gtx 670 at around $370, after mir, pretty good since you said you have $430.
It is a oem card however its a very very well priced card and a good 660Ti cards probably ship at that price. I would purchase the card. If you are okay with having a reference cooler of course. If you are wanting something a bit more robust then yes spending money in the 350-400 dollar range and get one with a great aftermarket cooler. I spent 400 on my 670 this is the one I have.

Well i keep reading that the blowing kind is no good so i dont know.

Im looking at newegg, i wanted to buy one today.

My nephew has the
asus 660ti and he likes it but i think i want to get a 670 just so i can say i have a better card.. i know its rude :kaola:
hes been teasin me because he just got a new computer and its the exact same as mine just different case lol.

Some people recommended this one to me
gigabyte 7970
this sapphire one

I have never used amd before but they come with free games, and i almost bought the sapphire one but it went out of stock, and people say the gigabyte is no good for overclocking because of voltages.

Should i just get the 670 you linked?
Updating from 660ti to 670 sounds like a very bad dealing in the making. If anything, get the Gigabyte 7970. The voltages for the non-GHz versions are locked, but the OC model comes at 1000MHz core clock and can still beat a 670 any day with its eyes closed.

Just make a custom fan profile if you do get it, the stock fans are too loud...
The blower cards aren't bad. The best you can get are from EVGA. I wouldn't buy a reference card on the Nvidia side of the fence from anyone other then EVGA. Because that is what EVGA does and they do a good job at it. Also furthermore blower style cards aren't bad they are really good for cases that don't have a ton of airflow going throughout the case. If I had the funds I would of purchased a ASUS DCUII 670. However that is just personal choice, my card could be a option a MSI power edition could be another.

I honestly prefer Nvidia at the moment it appeals to what I'm after. They offer superior 3D gaming at the moment. Also I play games that use Physx. And in games where I have a super high frames I turn on adaptive vsync.

However if none of those things matter to you then the 7970 could be a excellent option and I would probably opt to get Sapphire or ASUS cards with AMD solutions. I'm not very up to date with overclocking on the GPU side of things I dismiss it because I'm not one that sees in it. I have a 670 my games max out or I get great frames in games pushing my card to hard and then swallowing 400 dollars because of my overclock would be something difficult to handle.


oh i am not updating, i havent purchased any card yet just mentioned that my nephew has the same build as me but with a 660ti. There both such attractive options i like nvidia's quality and i can sell the gift codes, and then amd comes with 2 games i would like to play.

i got a tough decision to make.

If i could afford it i would get that one to, they charge tax to where i live comes out to 451$ whichs is 11 dollars more than i have.

Just sell one of your kidneys then - Asus 670 is such a beastly card.

Trust me it'll be worth it.
Yea honestly that is why I looked at the price of the 670 you linked first and thought its a steal because it ABSOLUTELY is. However if you intend on playing Crysis 3 and Bioshock the 7970 would be a good option otherwise I'd get the 670 you linked then get those games on sale when they go on sale I know bioshock you can get through steam so maybe at some point its cheap and crysis 3 can go on sale for cheap to eventually through orgin. I got Crysis 2 for 10 dollars on amazon at one point pretty sweet right? So like you said you have a tough choice but I will say both are really good options and you cant go wrong with either.
And I know people say pics or it doesn't count so here you go here is my system

Dont really want it if it doesnt come with a box :]

These ones i can afford which would you recommend

MSI 670

EVGA Ftw Sig 2
Out of the ones you listed for me I would go with the Gigabyte card if you want a strong factory overclock and cool temps. However, keep in mind that the Gigabyte OC PCB is a 680's PCB and is longer.

I would personally go for either the MSI card if your case was smaller case and I would go with the signature 2 if you wanted the backing of EVGA for support, warranty, and service, + you get kind of a hybrid of reference cooling and aftermarket cooling.

Also things to keep in mind that if noise is a factor for you that the gigabyte solution is quieter then the MSI solution and the EVGA solution.

2. Gigabyte
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