Good score for my system?

I do want to get it to 4.5 ( since i have it liquid cooled) What should my voltages and what not be set at? or do i just change the multiplier to 45 and let the auto do the rest?
to overclock card use msi afterburner and msi kombuster. you can proll go up on your gpu as well an get an extra 100-200, if you are able to unlock the volatge on your card mabey more just watch for heat and artifacts, plus youll have to adjust the fan so that when it hit like 55c it goes steep 100% on you GPU fan

ga-z77-d3h rev 1.1
bios f18 i believe (the oldest one)

The water cooling loop came in a bundle on newegg. It doesnt have a name but it keeps temps below 50 load and 30 idle.
any ways looked up your board on the 3dmark.

it basicly the same as mine was.

load optimal defaults so that anything you have done with it will be reset and youll have a clean slate to start F7 , F10 enter

Bios: MIT
leave your voltages everything: "auto" for now (your board will give volt when needed.)
XMP profile 1 <- if you dont have that set! this will oc your RAM the way its meant to be OC'd
leave your clock ratio at whatever it is standard i think 35
go into "advance CPU core features"
clock ratio still 35
go down below Intel turbo technology:
turbo ratio (1- core ) 44 <-this is telling your CPU how high it can go when needed( not all the time only when under stress) e.g.: 100x44=4400
turbo ratio (2- core ) 44 <- so itll go to 4400mhz when on all cores when you are playing games or running benchmarks the rest the time it will
turbo ratio (3- core ) 44 <- still default to 1.7ghz and save you energy and heat and life of you proc.
turbo ratio (4- core ) 44
Turbo power limit (watts)250<- so you can go so high with out you board/CPU throttling it is safe
Turbo power limit (amps)250<- so you can go so high with out you board/CPU throttling it is safe
CPU thermal monitor Disable <-also so it dosent throttle
at 4400mhz you should not need any more voltage, you CPU is pretty safe as far as OC is concerned.
F10 enter, boot to windows
download Intel burn test:
download CPU-z
download HWmonitor: (not the pro the normal one)
run CPU-z
run HWmonitor
run Intel burn test: standerd, then max
If you PC can handle that then you should be good, CPU -z will show you the MHZ that it is at (you will now see that when the stress test is running the mhz will shot from 3.5 or what ever to 4.4) and detail of you CPU HW monitor will show you your temps (Package tempunder cpu), and Intel burn test will test yor CPU only. standard takes like 10 min or less max may take longer... make a sandwich...
if it passes run 3dmark and compare your scores.

if it fails at any time make sure you temps arnt going above 70-75 and that you cooler is running full blast, if it fails you may need to add more voltage but the voltage you add to it will stay there and not go down, so say you put there 1.35 it going to run 1.35 24/7 and not drop down like it would on auto.