Good, Silent Case Fans for Under $12?

I want some fans that have good airflow and cooling capabilities, but also be silent. It will most likely be an exhaust fan.

I had bought a CM Sickleflow marked at 19dba, but they were clearly not. Couldn't stand them.

So from that experience, i would like some fans that you have experience with and have heard that are good.

CM labels their fans in a misleading fashion (most of them do); they list the airflow at maximum speed, and list the noise at minimum speed. There is no fan that is completely silent at 2000rpm, it doesn't exist. The air itself makes sound as it moves.
With that said, Cougar vortex fans will move a pretty good amount of air silently.
CM labels their fans in a misleading fashion (most of them do); they list the airflow at maximum speed, and list the noise at minimum speed. There is no fan that is completely silent at 2000rpm, it doesn't exist. The air itself makes sound as it moves.
With that said, Cougar vortex fans will move a pretty good amount of air silently.

I agree the Cougar vortex are good silent fans that push a good amount. I just got 2 of them myself.