Google CEO Discusses Relationship With Apple, Steve Jobs

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[citation][nom]leandrodafontoura[/nom]Why doesnt Apple sue google then?[/citation]
Google is probably one of the few companies Apple as second thoughts about sueing
[citation][nom]leandrodafontoura[/nom]Why doesnt Apple sue google then?[/citation]

They're suing all of Google's partners first.
They probably figure that they can't do a better search, and if they sue Google then they'd have to go with Bing (oh wait, doesn't MSFT, creators of Windows Phone, serve Bing?), YaWho?, or some third-tier search engine. And yeah, they probably also figure that they can't win. I wouldn't be surprised if Google had some information that would invalidate many of Apple's claims, but either cannot reveal it (e.g. NDA) or chooses not to for proprietary reasons.
Apple knows they can't beat Google. So they try to beat Google's partners. Isn't that a lot like racketeering? Can't shake down a guy, so you threaten his family?
A lot of the Apple lawsuits have to do with the "skins" that Android makers are layering on top of Android. It probably doesn't really have that much to do with Android itself. Could be wrong on that, though, but seems to be a logical explanation. I don't know that there is anything in Android itself, other than the touch activated icon based smartphone itself. And I don't think Apple has any of the basic patents for tuuch screens or icon based interfaces.

Mayankleoby1: Big Daddy is Apple. Google, while large in and of itself, has less than half the market cap of Apple, and Apple has $120B (yes, Billion) in cash on hand. If it were to get down to it, Apple could buy 50% of Google, for cash.

I personally think that Jobs felt betrayed by Eric Schmidt, when Schmidt was part of the Apple board, and left (at approximatley the same time that iOS/iPhone began to take off). Eric Schmidt was probably shown a lot of the development work that was going on for iOS/iPhone, and Jobs felt that Schmidt was "spying' on Apple, hence the animosity.

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[citation][nom]leandrodafontoura[/nom]Why doesnt Apple sue google then?[/citation]
Pretty simple. Android OEM's modify Android. If Apple won against Google how would they enforce that win against Samsung (for example)? Apple could seek a ban on Samsung devices but Samsung would simply say "our version is different then Google's". This would require a SECOND court case against Samsung to prove they still infringed what Apple won against Google.

Why would any company go through TWO court cases when they could accomplish the same thing in one?

If every Android vendor used vanilla stock Android then Apple could simply sue Google. Eric Schmidt is playing games by pretending not to know why Apple doesn't sue Google directly. He knows exactly why.
[citation][nom]ericburnby[/nom]He knows exactly why.[/citation]

Apple will lose against Google the same way they are losing worldwide against just Samsung.
[A lot of the Apple lawsuits have to do with the "skins" that Android makers are layering on top of Android. It probably doesn't really have that much to do with Android itself. Could be wrong on that, though, but seems to be a logical explanation.]

You just bought into the lies spread by Apple. If you look at the so called features being sued, you will realize it has nothing to do with skin, it is basic Android feature. So many people are that gullible that just because Apple said so, they simply believe blindly without checking out the facts. There are only 6 patents won in the California court, not that hard to look it up. Do you really believe the pinch to zoom feature is not a basic Android feature? It is even a Windows 8 feature!

[citation][nom]Google[/nom]"I don't like to rally my company in that way because I think that if you're looking at somebody else, you're looking at what they do now, and that's not how again you stay two or three steps ahead."[/citation]That's bull. Google's images updated shortly after Bing updated theirs. Google released a new Maps API, but it took Apple to release theirs to make them finally update the Android Maps API. Google releases a social network after Facebook did. They are good, but not entirely 100% on innovating
[citation][nom]Shin-san[/nom]That's bull. Google's images updated shortly after Bing updated theirs. Google released a new Maps API, but it took Apple to release theirs to make them finally update the Android Maps API. Google releases a social network after Facebook did. They are good, but not entirely 100% on innovating[/citation]

everyone copies everyone at this point, the very few innovative things get copies in no time, just that Apple wants to force everybody to believe that they created everything.
[citation][nom]Shin-san[/nom]That's bull. Google's images updated shortly after Bing updated theirs. Google released a new Maps API, but it took Apple to release theirs to make them finally update the Android Maps API. Google releases a social network after Facebook did. They are good, but not entirely 100% on innovating[/citation]

Images being updated? That is just from the Internet, Google really has no control over image placement. Google Maps has never been a problem for me, didn't need an update. All social networking sites are redundant and a waste of time/space.

Google isn't innovative? Obviously you haven't heard of Google Fiber.
I'm not phandroid nor an iSheep. Did Google copy the iPhone? Not really, though I think Eric Schmidt was a little dishonest. I much prefer Larry Page as CEO than Schmidt. Page was absolutely correct when he said "looking at a company now, will not help keep you ahead". While Apple is "lawsuit-obsessive", I feel their claims against the OEMs aren't completely insane. When you hear, "patenting round corners", it sounds ridiculous. However, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and iPad share some obvious similarities. You could say, "Well, there aren't millions of unique designs". Look at the Surface, they appear different. Nexus 7 vs. iPad Mini, much different. And as Samsung phones gradually get bigger, when a 4" iPhone comes out, so does a 4" Galaxy phone shortly after. iPhone gets Siri, Samsung releases S Voice, voice assistance starting with "S". Samsung is honestly the only justified lawsuit. I hold a lot of respect for Google, and their "copy" is rather minimal.
Apple always gaining his profit by sueing..... keep sueing companies and on the other hand development on tech is being neglected
[citation][nom]ericburnby[/nom]Pretty simple. Android OEM's modify Android. If Apple won against Google how would they enforce that win against Samsung (for example)? [/citation]

Sorry, don't buy that. As others have been saying it is more that Apple is trying to knock off the smaller players. Google is big time with a lot of wind behind it sails, look at what happened to Oracle vs Google. Apple is trying to win against the smaller companies (though Samsung is kind of huge), because they don't expect a large fight on Android and basically want them to capitulate. Once they have these wins whether in court or extortion money that don't want to fight on these patents, then they'll attack Google and claim that they have all this precedents and others who are paying Apple for use of their 'legitimate patents'.

Think about it, if Apple wasn't afraid of Google, don't you think they'd go directly after Google, stopping Google stops Android dead in its tracks. Suing smaller companies only means trying to swat the little flies but not the actual cause that will still churn out faster updates improving the brand more over time, and this is what Apple is losing to ... time. The longer Android is being improved and updated a lot faster than iOS is, the market share for Apple is getting smaller.
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