Google CEO Not Leaving Apple's Board

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Funny, its not really up to Schmidt is it? He can stay as long as the FTC doesn't find any problems. If they determine that Google and Apple are competitors, he'll be out in a flash.

I still say Apple's iPhone OS vs. Google's Android, and Safari vs. Chrome make them direct competitors. Long gone are the days when Microsoft could say it wasn't competing because it was giving IE away for free, no one buys that anymore.
Bean counter meets the Apple... Eric Schmidt... no longer a bean counter. Just a blood sucking worm in a bad apple. Toss both them in the garbage.
lol wow i wonder how there seriously isnt a law suit like google ceo also on board of directors of google partly behind apples new innovations
[citation][nom]JMcEntegart[/nom]Google’s Eric Schmidt has no intentions of resigning from Apple board.Google CEO Not Leaving Apple's Board : Read more[/citation]
WTF dude. I hope you get fucking banned. What is it with this shit? We're reading the fucking article already, you don't need to comment a new headline and a link to the article we already just read.
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]WTF dude. I hope you get fucking banned. What is it with this shit? We're reading the fucking article already, you don't need to comment a new headline and a link to the article we already just read.[/citation]
made my day..
Gmail... iMail

Chrome... Safari

iPhone OS... Android OS

iTunes... youtube

iCalendar... Google Calendar

iPhoto... Picasa

iChat... Google Talk

Definitely not competing in any way. Did you want to sell me a bridge Mr. Schmidt?
Gmail (free)... iMail (isnt) i'm assuming u ment mobileme since imail doesnt exist.

Chrome... Safari (Both are free and make zero profit)

iPhone OS... Android OS Iphone is proprietary and a closed system, Andriod is free.

iTunes... youtube (iTunes is proprietary and closed, youtube is free)

iCalendar... Google Calendar (ical is proprietary and google cal is free)

iPhoto... Picasa (must i really go on?)

iChat... Google Talk (you still dont get it)

Free vs proprietary software that only works with Mac, how is that competing? its like saying Mac OS vs Windows, there is no competition, Apple lost a long time ago in the OS market, all they provide now is another choice.
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