Question Google chrome 74 75 slow connection on youtube


Apr 2, 2015
Im with a problem here in both of my pc's , 1 desktop and 1 laptop .
Google chrome 73 works fine , the original version and the portable version .

The problem happens with chrome 74 and 75 , on youtube the video cant run at 1080p , and drops to 360p , runs very slowly .
When i right-click on the video and check the stats for nerds option , the connection speed difference is huge .
Chrome 73 connection speed = ~30.000 kbps , its ok with my internet connection.
Chrome 74 75 connection speed = ~800 kbps , its limited , its not using all my internet connection.

I tried new profiles , old profiles , just work ok with chrome 73.

Anyone know whats the problem ?
this happens to you too ?

With all the addons off i didn't test (but if the speed gets limited again i will test) , but i did a test with a New incognito window (i think all addons are off in incognito windows tho) but the speed was limited too .

When i do the speedtest i usually get around 50mbps , and on the stats for nerds i get around 30.000 35.000 kbps with all the browsers.

About profile i mean chrome profile (where the settings are) i mean the folder User Data , where chrome is installed

I have changed profiles (the user data folder) , didn't worked .
Today I did a backup of my user data folder , deleted the user data folder , launched chrome 75 , a new user data folder was created , did a test and worked fine , good speed as with chrome 73 .
Then i deleted the new user data folder and put back my old backup user data folder and its working fine too .
I think something was changed when the browser created a new profile , now works fine with new and old profiles .

I will try this in my laptop also .

After ~1 hour of use the problem was back with the old profile .
Now im using a completely new profile and its working ok .
It was some incompatibility\bug between my old profile and the version 75 .

Right now i have opera on youtube and chrome 75 also on youtube .
Opera stats for nerds connection speed = 33.000 kbps
Chrome stats for nerds connection speed = 18.000 kbps
( gives me ~48.000kbps)

18.000 with a new profile its much better than 800 of my old profile , although still less than the opera youtube speed .
Chrome its limited comparing with opera .

Why this happens ?
