Google Chrome Hitting iPad/iPhone Today
Google Chrome hit the App Store today, available for download across all iOS devices.
The browser app syncs all bookmarks and credentials linked to a Google account. The newest (and coolest) addition to the new version of the browser is that it will even sync tabs across different platforms.
I’ve only had a few minutes with Chrome on iOS, but it runs smoothly and is quite slick in terms of switching back and forth from tabs. It’s nice to see some competition on the iOS platform in terms of browsers, although I’ll need some more time with Chrome to see if it’ll dethrone Dolphin on my iPad.,news-15711.html

Google Chrome hit the App Store today, available for download across all iOS devices.
The browser app syncs all bookmarks and credentials linked to a Google account. The newest (and coolest) addition to the new version of the browser is that it will even sync tabs across different platforms.
I’ve only had a few minutes with Chrome on iOS, but it runs smoothly and is quite slick in terms of switching back and forth from tabs. It’s nice to see some competition on the iOS platform in terms of browsers, although I’ll need some more time with Chrome to see if it’ll dethrone Dolphin on my iPad.,news-15711.html