While users working on application Google Chrome Version 55.0.2883.87 m keeps freezing and users get the message box "these pages have become unresponsive to do you want too kill pages or wait". This problem has been happening with more frequency and it is very frustrating especially when you are filling out important forms online. user really need help on how to fix this browser problem or user may be forced to try another browser and user really like Chrome. The freezing seems to happen when more then one tab is open.
because of this problem we started working on Mozilla Firefox and we are getting the better response it seems that problem with chrome browser.
Did you guys have any solution for that ? otherwise we have to suggest our user to stop using the chrome browser.
because of this problem we started working on Mozilla Firefox and we are getting the better response it seems that problem with chrome browser.
Did you guys have any solution for that ? otherwise we have to suggest our user to stop using the chrome browser.