Google, Facebook Accused of Using UI ‘Dark Patterns’ to Get Users’ Data

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Anyone else tired of hearing that Europeans are making common sense laws regulating what internet companies should be able to do while the US sits on their thumbs? No? I'm the only one? We're so ******.

Not really.
Your "data" is shared with those companies, and the companies they work with. Because you give it to them.
It is not supposed to be "shared" to any other entity.

Until some contractor leaves his laptop on the train one afternoon.

We saw this multiple times, with the British 'Data Protection Act'.
Very strong rules, until some clown messes it up. No matter what the law...your data is still out in the wild.

Until we see some CEO's and CIO's go to actual prison, this will continue to happen.
I have been a software geek since before the world's militaries were told there was any use for a computer network by civilians. Relax, there is more than one way to find out why think you have any privacy. Don't Worry, Be Happy.
But if I had someone's data I'd be a criminal. Because it's "a cooperation, nothing will happen. Capitalism for ya. When will the world wake up n see that we don't need government's and ideologists to control the world population. I pray for a revolution every day.
"None of your damn business." is the ancient response to pollsters that I was taught by Mr. Norton, my high school Humanities teacher in 1964. FYI
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