@rwinches This response might come off a bit rough, but have you actually researched Google Glass or are you just working off of a few things you've seen and heard and gave a knee-jerk reaction to this?
The Galaxy Gear is ridiculous, not because of what it aimed to do, but because of how it tried to do it and the way it looks/operates. The return rate is high because people wanted it to do alot more than it can and it is still fairly limited in what devices it can work with and again, it what it can actually do.
The user doesn't look up and to the right, you're seeing the camera and projector there, the projector "projects" the image into your field of view to create the illusion that you're looking at a 25" tv from 8 feet away. The nose supports have received minimal complaints from adopters mainly because the whole thing is fairly lightweight (50g).
To put that in perspective, a paperclip weighs 1 gram, the entire Google Glass headset weighs 50, so it's light.
You said it's heavy, I just proved that it's not. You said the new one is heavier, we have no idea how heavy the new one is yet so I have no idea where you got that from. The addition of the earbud and probably further miniaturization of other components will probably keep the weight on par with the first generation.
The weight distribution is minor being that they're fairly lightweight. With the way they conform to your head, it's not like you're going to get tired holding your head up, they will simply press on the left side slightly more as they hold the weight. Your point here is valid though, it looks off-center and odd and I imagine it will be something they work on once they move more into the fashion-design portion of the Glass program vs. the hardware and software side that they're so focused on right now.
I wore regular glasses for many, many years and had slight indents in my nose. At this point we don't know enough about what Google will do with design in regards to prescription lenses. Are they going to make the right side module detachable for people who are forced to remove Glass but still need their Rx lenses? Maybe, we don't know. But the places NOT allowing Glass are so few and far between as to not be worth mentioning yet so as of right now (again, we don't know what the future holds) you should be able to wear them most anywhere you go.
Right now, Google Glass doesn't fold, this is true. We don't know yet if v2 or not will fold or if the final retail version will fold. Currently the Explorer program is for finding out these exact issues. You can buy a pouch to hold them and at night you charge them, but it's highly likely that the retail version will fold or break down somehow. Even if they don't, the market for Glass in the first few years is going to be narrow while they work on adapting technology and figuring out wider adaptation which means the people who will get them are going to be people who aren't going to see them as not-foldable being a deal-breaker.
The lenses are going to be of all kinds, Rx, sunglasses, etc. How the projector works with the lens is probably going to involve some kind of programming that will tweak the projector based on prescription, but again, we don't quite know yet.
Yes they're ugly, but again this product is working out the hardware and software first, as it isn't being marketed yet to the public and is meant for early tech adopters, developers, and enthusiasts, the design took a back seat. Google just signed on with Rochester Optical to make fashion, designer, and prescription sets so we can expect new designs down the road as it gets closer to an actual launch.
Basically Google Glass is what it's supposed to be, an Alpha hardware platform that just recently moved to Beta status. It still has a long road ahead before wide adoption and alot of issues to sort through, but compared to where it was just a year ago, we're already seeing some new and improved things coming out of it. It's far, far too early to make any kind of ruling on Glass although the POTENTIAL is amazing.
A teacher used Google Glass to broadcast live from the Large Hadron Collider in Sweden to his class and interactively asked questions for his students while there.
A doctor transmitted a surgery live while wearing Google Glass.
A paralyzed law student has had her life and confidence improved with using Google Glass.
The stories are out there, good and bad. The potential exists but again, it's just too early to make a ruling on this tech.