Google Meet and Document Camera Issues


Apr 6, 2018
I am using a Chromebook for Google Meet for a class. I use a Elmo TT-12 document camera that used for online students and students in the classroom. The issue is that the image from the document camera is reversed on my screen but it's normal when it's presented to the students online. It's also reversed when it's projected for the students in the classroom. I don't see any settings on how to "un-mirror" the image for myself and the in-class students.
I want the image to look the same on the desktop where the document camera is attached to as it does on the screen that the online students can see.
.................................The issue is that the image from the document camera is reversed on my screen but it's normal when it's presented to the students online.......................

That's normal behaviour for video-conferencing apps. However, there are plenty of Google Chrome extensions available to mirror the video window so it looks correct to you. Here's one that claims to work for Meet. I haven't tried it myself though - you can always uninstall it if you don't get on with it.