Google Moving Google Glass Program Out Of Google X Labs

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And the glassholes rejoice. Yet another reason for people to not be paying attention to the road. It's also another way for thieves to steal your personal information since the camera can be used w/o anyone knowing.
Glass is done. Everyone has moved on.
im paranoid, i would use glass just to record all my interactions with people, because who know what crazy is going to hit me and i need to prove my innocence.

That's funny. That is why I will not use it. I do not want Google tracking everything I do. Even if they say they won't, they have been known to "accidentally" do things like that. Some may say they can already track what I do, but that is only true to a point. This would allow for a complete record of everything I did.

Which one of us is paranoid? :)

Don't forget the people with Google Glass that have been known to take pictures of people's credit cards while waiting in line in a supermarket. That'd give me a good reason to punch someone with a Glass on instead of vice versa.
We thought the first automobile users were lazy baffoons. We thought the first mobile users were arrogant yuppies that couldn't afford to be out of reach for 10 minutes.
One day terrorist acts will occur and the authorities will know exactly what happened and how the perpetrators got away. One day we will have meetinsg and instantly recall names and who said what. One day women will walk home at night safe.
I still remember it was quite cool to make fun of the yuppies with their 80s phones. What's that in your back pocket now?
If the price is right I'll buy a google glass. It would be awesome for driving directions among other hands free things - perhaps the ideal solution for those sorts of activities.
concept of G Glass is good but initial price has totally killed it. Google put Glass together for $150 and ask $1500 for it. That's even beyond Apple's standard.What a joke.
I don't think Google will get over the "It's completely useless and annoying" hurdle that has so far stopped basically every wearable device to date (including glass) in it's tracks.
Even it it was priced well under smart watches, I would never buy it because voice controls are simply the worst.
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