Google, NASA Upgrade To The New D-Wave 2000Q Quantum Annealing Computer

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@Toms hardware
I have been reading your articles since I was in college in ~2002-03. You guys have been a great source of information for several years. However, I have been increasingly annoyed at your site over the years. After over 10 years of complaints you still can't manage to get full res click-through images on articles. Your recent pic collection/carousel has UI that covers the images, which is just amateur hour. The site still does not scale to a normal window width leaving a skinny column of info in a sea of advertisements. And most recently you have added these auto-playing videos.

I can't take it any more, and am removing your site from my feeds.

I really love the history of your site, and I look forward to the day you catch on to simple modern web design that can retain web traffic. Your writers do a good job; it is about time your web team stepped up to the plate a little and supported them.
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