Google Opens Up About Location Data Collection

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So instead of improving privacy to match what the setting says it does, they change the description to more match what the software does.
The messed up thing is you can almost guarantee that Windows 10 is doing the exact same thing. Microsoft is pulling from Google(data collection) and Apples(update platform) playbooks.
The evil Google... What does the new wording mean? That it doesn't matter what setting you will use, Google will keep sharing it all?
This is why I backed last year. Google just don't care about consumers or society any more. Absolutely anything that maximises profits is good.
I despise the fat cat fascist bureaucrats in the EU who from their comfy offices in Brussels feel they can tell Brits what types of electric tea kettles they can purchase based on energy consumption. However, I will tip my hat to them for taking on giants like Google and Facebook who abuse privacy rights of their customers. They just need to kick up the fines. The last Facebook slapping by some EU nations was nothing more than a spitwad in an Olympic swimming pool. That said, anyone who uses these companies for their personal use under their real names asked for it. As Lenin called his fellow communist compatriots, they are "useful idiots."

You can bet all of the big corps are sharing all of our information among themselves.

I agree with the general tone of your message.

However, I disagree with the quoted statement. Massive fines to big companies just hurt the employees working for the company. Management still gets away from it by using company money to pay the fines.

What should really be done is criminally charge the people responsible. Send them the threat of arresting and imprisoning them.
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