Google Play Store Now Accepts PayPal

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Finally credit cards are not required anymore here in the Netherlands. Credit card penetration is really low here especially for online purchases. While paypal is not used that much either it is at least something that actually gives you money be it a few cents instead of costing money to use.

It would however be far better if google implemented iDeal which is the payment system used for all major banks here and is by far the most used payment method online in the Netherlands I can get it why they won't support systems specific to countries.

Especially when the system has a fixed transaction fee and not a relative one which
means the loads of small transactions on google play will be relatively expensive fee wise.
Bummer, there goes my hopes that Paypal dies in a fire like it deserves. Downvote me, I don't care.
Upboated, I seriously wish Paypal was not so great, so I can stop using them. I hate there anti-gun TOS and tendency to take all money from and close TOS-breakers accounts.

...But its so damn useful. Quicker then putting in my name address and credit card info every time I want to buy something, an email and a password is too damn convenient. If i want to buy/sell guns and firearm parts with my own damn money, I should be able to.
teh_chum said:
Bummer, there goes my hopes that Paypal dies in a fire like it deserves. Downvote me, I don't care.
I love PayPal, I prefer it over CC use, I just feel it is safer. IMHO

Safer? Because a public email adress and 5 letter password are SOOOO SECURE.

I dislike it because they don't give the user any rights. Its convenient as all hell though.



Yes, it is safer. If they are hacked (which has happened), the hacker can only get what is in my bank account, which for me is usually less than $500.00 dollars, and that is it. They can't max out my cards limit, which is multi-thousands.

1) They can't get any account numbers.
2) I can also place limits on the amounts that can be charged.
3) For re-occurring charges (where you might be billed monthly), you can close those transactions instantly, where as on a credit card, the company can keep charging to the card, until they decide to quit.
4) Plus, PayPal sends an immediate email of any transaction (I usually check mine a couple of times a day), so,I would be aware sooner. Unlike a Credit Card, where you get no notice until your bill arrives.

So, yes, I love my PayPal.
You said "no user rights", I have zero clue as to what you are talking about.
You elaborate about security, LOL, and as if any other companies log-on's are any more secure.

But to each there own.

They close accounts when ever they feel like it. There TOU basicly says "We can take all your money without reason and without due process whenever we want, if you don't like it f&*^ you".
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