Google Reportedly Ups Glass Production

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Cannot wait to buy a Google Glass! I have read so many times on forums posted by apple fanatics how they would punch anyone who comes up to them with these on.

I cannot wait to wear these in public and have some apple fanboi come up to me looking for a fight. They will need Obamacare to treat their multiple injuries I will inflict on them if they make the slightest aggressive move towards me.

hooah for wearable tech!
Twobridges, your posts make me root for any Apple fanatic who is deranged enough to walk up to you and want to punch you in the face... And I generally don't root for Apple fanatics.

That said, good stuff. My thought is, this is going to be the next big thing - Google's iPad. We'll see, since I know predictions like that are tossed out like mad, but this is a neat device that has a real shot at being a game changer for how a decent segment of the population uses technology.

The number of times I have read posts threatening to attack google glass wearers is ridiculous. Those people need to be put in their place.

That said, I will buy this tech for numerous reasons but I do hope some apple fanatic does attempt something aggressive. They are in for a painful 6 months of recovery.
Cannot wait to buy a Google Glass! I have read so many times on forums posted by apple fanatics how they would punch anyone who comes up to them with these on.

I cannot wait to wear these in public and have some apple fanboi come up to me looking for a fight. They will need Obamacare to treat their multiple injuries I will inflict on them if they make the slightest aggressive move towards me.

hooah for wearable tech!
Twobridges, the number of times I have seen people post pictures of themselves naked on the internet is ridiculous. This does not mean I go down the street expecting peoples' clothes to start flying off. Take this for what you will - and I'm still rooting for whatever deranged Apple fan might come after you.
It cracks me up how people are all worked up about privacy concerns with Google glass when you're in public and suppose to be behaving yourself anyway. I certainly hope these people are protesting, petitioning, writing and otherwise doing whatever they can to stop TPP, the NSA's spying, and all the other violations of our PRIVATE lives.

I hear you on that. Don't forget to take and smash their Apple schtuff too. I'm guessing you're Army or ex-Army: blood blood blood makes the green grass grow


Only if your parents give you an advance on your monthly allowance, little boy ( a 5 inch screen is too big, remember ?). And don't let them catch you trolling around on forums, lol.
Of course, if this was about 'iGlass' instead of Google Glass you'd be burning the wires right now about how innovative this is and how it will change the world...
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