Google Says Android is Winning War Against Apple's iOS

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Will the iphone eventually end up with 6% market share like mac?
I have used both and find that ios is simple and lacking features. Android is much cooler, no matter what any judge says.
Looks like the story is repeating again: just like 20 years ago after IBM started producing the PCs and there were a bunch of clones using OS and while Apple would be exclusive and only exclusive to their designs, the clones took over the market......
While I don't think it's a good thing to have any particular company control the market I'm not expecting RIM or WP8 to change the current trends. WebOS and Firefox OS are even less likely without some major vendor and developer support.
I think the entire smartphone industry can stand up and applaud Google for what they have done. Without them phone OSes would have proliferated and fallen ever further behind iOS. Eventually a good many of them would have gone out of business and we would all be using iPhones.
Surprising Google would say this (/sarcasm) but def doing a good job with the Droid OS but is open to any mobile device company out there, iOS is not. Considering Android borrowed heavily from iOS it is not surprising it is accepted as the #1 mobile device OS.
In other news Toyota sells more cars than BMW. You think BMW cares how many Corollas and Camry's are selling when their own factories are running around-the-clock and they sell every BMW they produce as fast as they can make them?

The only thing BMW cares about is how many Lexus cars Toyota sells, since Lexus has several models to compete directly against BMW. Apple doesn't care about the gazillion 320x240 2.8" phones running Android 2.2 or 2.3 or the countless Coby tablets selling in grocery stores.
Okay no shit. Yes, Google is going to be like "Yeah, apple is convincingly winning this phone battle. Android sucks dick. You should buy that brand with the fruit logo instead." What the hell is this shit?
[citation][nom]ericburnby[/nom]In other news Toyota sells more cars than BMW. You think BMW cares how many Corollas and Camry's are selling when their own factories are running around-the-clock and they sell every BMW they produce as fast as they can make them?The only thing BMW cares about is how many Lexus cars Toyota sells, since Lexus has several models to compete directly against BMW. Apple doesn't care about the gazillion 320x240 2.8" phones running Android 2.2 or 2.3 or the countless Coby tablets selling in grocery stores.[/citation]

Terrible analogy. You are saying that BMW doesn't care how many Toyotas are sold because BMW is a premium product and Toyota is a mainstream product. But what makes BMW premium? More features and a higher price - two things the iPhone does not have in comparison to Android phones. You can get an Android phone for $1 and you can get an iPhone for $1. You can also pay up to $399 for an iPhone or $429 for an Android phone. Apple most certainly DOES care how many Android phones are sold because any one of those purchases could have been an iPhone, whether it would have been the iPhone 4 for $1, or the iPhone 5 64GB for $399. Both are sales, and both add a digit to the "MILLIONS OF IPHONES SOLD" announcements that give day-traders boners.
Google has been pushing the envelope with every new Android edition, whereas Apple has been trying to play catch-up with their iOS (their latest achievement - notification bar, a dysfunctional one, compared to Android's) and trying to sue everyone out of business for stupid patents that get invalidated every day lately.
Apple's only advantages were:
-plethora of apps , now irrelevant because devs have caught up pretty fast
-hardware - they used to hold the crown of luxury handsets, now left behind not only by top tier Android phones and tablets, but also by the new generation WinPhone 8 handsets.

Of course, nobody can sink Apple better than Apple themselves, with the latest blunders in terms of both hardware and software they did put up lately. To be honest, every manufacturers has problems/bugs, but only the ones that claim to be perfect are the ones that get the scrutiny of the masses.

Last but not least, people enjoy diversity and enjoy having choices to make on their own, not choices to be made for them by someone else, be it a person or a company. Especially when that person/company behaves like the schoolyard bully.
Comparing Apple to BMW - that only stands when you look at the option to dump the BMW and buy a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or an Aston Martin. Those guys sell even fewer cars than BMW, but I would pick one of them every day over a BMW. For instance, why settle with an iPad Mini when you can get better specs on a Nexus 7? Same question for iPad vs Nexus 10.
It's all about choices, that's all. For me Android is way more functional/logical/easier to use than iOS, which I find clunky and old, backwards and uninspired. Others might just be too heavily invested in iOS to look back and change ways. If/when WinPhone gets close to the amount and variety of apps that the other 2 OSs are enjoying, I might even consider Windows phone instead; who knows? I keep my options. Too bad that many iOS customers are too brainwashed to realize they even have these options.
[citation][nom]sliem[/nom]On another note: Facebook should close[/citation]

Be very careful what you wish for. You might easily end up with Facebook 2.0 !
[citation][nom]ericburnby[/nom]In other news Toyota sells more cars than BMW. You think BMW cares how many Corollas and Camry's are selling when their own factories are running around-the-clock and they sell every BMW they produce as fast as they can make them?The only thing BMW cares about is how many Lexus cars Toyota sells, since Lexus has several models to compete directly against BMW. Apple doesn't care about the gazillion 320x240 2.8" phones running Android 2.2 or 2.3 or the countless Coby tablets selling in grocery stores.[/citation]

They care enough about the superior SIII and Note II though don't they 😉
Apple just lost me days ago, Got my Note II finally delivered coming off an iphone 3GS
I was shocked at how good Android OS is especially on a large screen like the Note II, It is pretty much a mini pc in your pocket, I doubt I will be going back to Apple and I doubt I am not alone in making the switch.
Android just overtook iOS here in my country(Australia) for the first time ever, It's starting to really gain momentum now.

So I think Apple DO CARE about what is happening with the competition even on the smaller budget or older android phones that are out there, Reason is some of those cheaper android phones out there now have better features than Apples flagship, Ohh wait it's not a flagship phone is it they only have one phone. heh

To all you people contemplating making the switch, Try it you may get a shock!
[citation][nom]digiex[/nom]In terms of numbers, how about in terms of revenue for Google.[/citation]

Many companies eat marketshares in the beginning with low to zero revenues, and when they dominate the market they start earning real money.

The funny thing here is that MS and Apple back in the days is pretty much what Google vs Apple is today... MS like Google had an more open os that were sold very cheaply while Apple wanted max revenues at once, how that turned out we all know - Apple would have been in the grave if it wasn't for the ipod while MS is raking in nice revenues in their market.

How will it end this time? I bet the same will happen in the phone space since Apple is way to arrogant to even learn from their past mistakes, Google will dominate it (or possibly MS if they manage to get their winphonetablet integration right) and Apple will fade possibly to their classical computer market share @5-6% while the competition will dominate it at 80+%.

This is how i think this will end - Air valued share and a market cornerstone that's get more and more eroded by the day will make the investors nervous and the end will be the fastest falling share of all times. Will Apple survive, sure if they manage to find the next ipod....
People never fail to amaze me as to their stupidity...

Apple created the modern-day smartphone, Google stabbed them in the back when Apple was working with them on maps, and Google took everything from Apple to create Android in such as short time.

Android is nothing short of spyware by Google to further invade every little aspect of your life, just like Chrome, gmail, Google Fiber, Google Checkout, Google DNS, Google+, etc, etc.
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