Hi guys I have a question. I am trying to do the following:
I am scanning SCU Bar codes all day long and I am trying to make Google Sheets to replace specific set of numbers in to Specific Description.
When I Scan a bar code and it's 0000001 I want sheets automatically replace this zeros and one to "PRODUCT ONE"
Same thing with when I scan bar code and I get 0000002 I want sheets to change that to "PRODUCT TWO" and so one and so far. In my understanding in Excel this is called Replacement function. But I have no idea on how to get this done in Google Sheets. I want to create Blank sheet with all formulas and replacements and just use copy of it all the time.
Can anyone please help me out on how to get this done. I have around 150 SCUs and I'd love to make this database replace function once and every time I scan instead of numbers I want to have actual product name.
Thank you so much !!!
I am scanning SCU Bar codes all day long and I am trying to make Google Sheets to replace specific set of numbers in to Specific Description.
When I Scan a bar code and it's 0000001 I want sheets automatically replace this zeros and one to "PRODUCT ONE"
Same thing with when I scan bar code and I get 0000002 I want sheets to change that to "PRODUCT TWO" and so one and so far. In my understanding in Excel this is called Replacement function. But I have no idea on how to get this done in Google Sheets. I want to create Blank sheet with all formulas and replacements and just use copy of it all the time.
Can anyone please help me out on how to get this done. I have around 150 SCUs and I'd love to make this database replace function once and every time I scan instead of numbers I want to have actual product name.
Thank you so much !!!