Question Google Sheets - problem with DATE formula for conditional formatting


Dec 4, 2019
I hope this is a good place to post this, I have tried posting in a couple of other places but so far have not received a reply and I am on a time limit here.

All I'm trying to do, I have a workbook that has two date columns... lets say B2 and K2. All I'm trying to do is setup a conditional formatting rule that will change K2 to RED if the date in that cell is 45 days past the date in B2. (And do the same for the rest of the rows below... so for B12 and K12, same thing... if K12 is 45 days past B12 I just want K12 to be highlighted in RED.

I can use the default TODAY, YESTERDAY, TOMORROW presets and get it to work like I want, but when I select EXACT DATE I cannot figure out the formula to input to make it do the right calculations. Could anyone please help? I think it sounds like it should be fairly simple, but I have been at this for hours today with no luck. (well, with all bad luck anyway).



Update your post to show your cell formulas and work thus far. What have you already tried?

It is natural to think about date functions when working with dates. You also need logical functions.

Think of the process as a series of steps.

Step 1:

Set up your IF THEN ELSE conditional with regards to the 45 day requirement.

ELSE may not be needed.

Step 2:

Then create a second IF THEN ELSE where the result of Step 1 is used to change the cell color or font color (as required) to red.

Could probably be done using nested IF THEN ELSE statements. However, initially breaking the requirement into two simpler steps will make the process easier to work out.

Hint (in words): If K2 minus B2 is greater than 45 then change K2 cell (font or color as required) to red.

Once you have the process working for a single row all you do is clone the row formulas downwards.