shrapnel_indie :
Guess what, I hope the regulations come now. Plus, Google decided to let potential harm live, apparently never fixing it (that's what I get out of this article) Too late for what Google already has done, but needed anyway.
Not only that, but Google has been proven to be politically biased in their search engine results (as Facebook has been proven to be the same way in top story links). I'm among the furthest removed from wanting private companies regulated, but when you have companies like Google and Facebook dictating information (AND spying on account owners then censoring them based on political persuasion), then that's no better than what Nazi Germany did prior to and during WWII on German Citizens. Or Stalin and Russia, or Hirohito and Japan, or Kim Il Sung and North Korea, and... .
AT&T got broken up for a reason in the 1980s as politics got involved with power (and market) projection. It's time for some three decades later to come through the same fruition of the same level of abuse.